single or mutiple entry with AP?


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Hi all,

Just wondering whether advanced parole document is for multiple entry or single entry? I applied last December and got two copies of AP. When I went through custom in Chicago during the first trip, they kept my first copy. When I went through New York the second trip, they only stamped my second copy which I am not sure is good for another trip or not? Anyone with similar experience?
ted8h6 said:
Hi all,

Just wondering whether advanced parole document is for multiple entry or single entry? I applied last December and got two copies of AP. When I went through custom in Chicago during the first trip, they kept my first copy. When I went through New York the second trip, they only stamped my second copy which I am not sure is good for another trip or not? Anyone with similar experience?

AP is for multiple entries till it's validated date.
I thought, every copy is for one time entry only. when filing for Advance parole, there is an option where you check if single or multple entry, if single is check They send only one parole form. correct me if I am worng.
AP Single copy with multiple entry valid for any number of time before it expires

Hi gcamirage,

It varies with respect to the officer who processes thh AP at the USCIS. My second daughter and I have received only one copy which is valid for mutiple entry before it expires, but my wife and other daughter received two copies. When we filed the AP for all we checked multiple entry. I have also verified this with our local USCIS office when I got my AP thro INFO pass, and also my attorney confirmed this. Thanks.
Gullu said:
You can use your AP for multiple ENtries before the expire date on it.

Expiry date is a confusing term in my opinion. In my experience, the official at the port of entry stamped the expiry date as one year from the first use at the port of entry. He mentioned that my Travel Document is valid till the expiry date that he stamped. Ofcourse AP is valid for multiple entries. Next time you travel all you need is one copy which is stamped during previous entry into the US by the INS.

My Advance Parole, when I received, was effective from 14-Nov-05 to 14-Nov-06. My port of entry using this document was on 17-Jan-06. The above mentioned official stamped it as, Expires on 16-Jan-07. So, my assumption(Aslo, according to the INS Official at Sea-Tac, WA) was that you can use it multiple times for the period of one year from the time of first use.

I may be wrong, but I wanted to share my experience.