Simple quetions of EB2 cut off date


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Simple questions of EB2 cut off date
My girl friend is from China and she filed labor certificate in 2002 and she filed I-140 I-485 in Aug 2006 and did her code 3 FP in Nov 2006
My question is :
1: The cut off date for EB2 Chinese is 22 April 05, is this date the date people file labor certificate or the date people file I-485.

2: How long does she need to get her GC( Approximatively)

Thanks a lot!!! :confused: :confused:
Cut off date is same as Priority Date tha is the Labor Filing Date and not I-485 receive date. China cutoff date of April 22, 2005 means that they are processing the case of April 21, 2005 or prior to that.

There are couple of thing you need to do to get the estimate. First thing that you would need is the exact priority date of you GF then find out her I-485 RD (receive Date).

If she qualifies based on the Priority date then you have to look for the I-485 processing date (I-485 receive date) of her Service Center (NSC, VSC etc) and match it with your GF's I-485 Receive Date. This should give you a rough estimate of the time required to process her case. If she does not qualify based on the priority date then the cutoff date should give you a rough extimate of the wait.

NSC (Nebraska Service Center) is currently processing I-485 applications with Receive Date of May 06, 2006 or prior to this date.

Hope this helps.
overWait said:
Cut off date is same as Priority Date tha is the Labor Filing Date and not I-485 receive date. China cutoff date of April 22, 2005 means that they are processing the case of April 21, 2005 or prior to that.

There are couple of thing you need to do to get the estimate. First thing that you would need is the exact priority date of you GF then find out her I-485 RD (receive Date).

If she qualifies based on the Priority date then you have to look for the I-485 processing date (I-485 receive date) of her Service Center (NSC, VSC etc) and match it with your GF's I-485 Receive Date. This should give you a rough estimate of the time required to process her case. If she does not qualify based on the priority date then the cutoff date should give you a rough extimate of the wait.

NSC (Nebraska Service Center) is currently processing I-485 applications with Receive Date of May 06, 2006 or prior to this date.

Hope this helps.

Thank you very very very much.
Base on GF's case, her cut off date ( the date she filed her labor ) was in year 2002 which mean she is qualified for I-485 approval. Her service center is Nebraska and her I-485 RD is Aug 04 2006. So my estimate is that if Nebraska center I-485 moves one month in each month, my gril frined could get he GC in 3 month from now. am I correct? Will FBI name check delay the process? I don't know if the name check for her case is done or not, is there a way to find out?

Thanks again!!!!
Your estimate is right given that she is not stuck with Name Check. If I remember correctly sometime back in one of the thread I read that FBI has stopped entertaining Name Check enquiries. I may be totally wrong.

In my opinion, the best way for you to find out about her Name Check is to write to the Congressmen in your area and request him to find it out for you. I would prefer a Senator than a house rep. and if (s)he is a Democrat who supports immigration, nothing better than that. You can get the listing of congressmen in your area at the following two websies,

Good Luck