Signature on Certificate of Naturalization

Cert Signature -- full name is OK

We received our passports today -- just in 3 weeks!! My signature on the photo is in block letters but for the certificate signature -- I wrote my full name in cursive style --> totally unrelated to my normal signatures. This is in full concurrence with the experience of the previous 2 posters too!!
For the fun of it you can take a look at this certificate, for me it looks like the photo and certificate were signed by two different people, but it could be just different way of writing cursive and block. I don't know, what do you think?

Ha! She's from Taiwan too!

OK....the signatures on the photo and on the N.C. is very similar to mine too. This is normally how Taiwanese signs their name in English. To me they look like same person signs them. Our signatures usually looks like a block anyway, and we do not have middle name. That solves a lot of problem on the conflict of full name+middle or normal F+L name.

I also have problem on the signature issue. My personal opinion is, since it's a signature spot on a very important piece of document of ours, sign as carefully as you normally would, clear signature w/ cursive and black ink. This is the way I signed mine, and I will sign it this way on my new passport book as well. :cool: Obviously USCIS IO cannot put out a general same response....

Here's my experience I posted in another thread:

I had a very similar issue regarding this. During my interview, my IO strictly corrected me and wanted me to "Print" my name on all my forms including photos. When I received my Certificate of Naturalization, there's an instruction along w/ the certificate about the signature on the certificate (You will have to sign it to make it valid.) The signature is supposed to match the signature on the photo that glue on the certificate. As you can see my problem here, since the photo has my name "printed" on it, it will not match my signature on the certificate. So I went back to the IO in the ceremony, he's very nice about it and said, as long as the signature name will match the spelling of my name exactly, it will not matter about the "printed" name on the photo. What importance is the signature on the certificate, not on the photo. The signature on the certificate also has to be cursive and black ink.
By the way, regarding the photocopy issue for the N.C., I brought it home after the ceremony, and I used my scanner, make sure I scanned a nice huge great pixels image for my N.C., and I made a few photocopies too. I don't want to risk anything that I do not have a copy of the N.C. of my own when my N.C. is with my passport application.
Hi I need some help in regards to the signature on the Certificate of Citizenship

I just got my certificate of citizenship today. The lady administering the signatures pointed at the general directions of where the paper and the photo is but gave no specific directions on signing it ON THE PHOTO. I, not knowing that she meant signing the photo, I signed my signature on the side of the photograph. Is this going to present a problem when I go apply for my passport? I offered to sign again on my photo and she is like, "oh, it is too late."
I just got my certificate of citizenship today. The lady administering the signatures pointed at the general directions of where the paper and the photo is but gave no specific directions on signing it ON THE PHOTO. I, not knowing that she meant signing the photo, I signed my signature on the side of the photograph. Is this going to present a problem when I go apply for my passport? I offered to sign again on my photo and she is like, "oh, it is too late."
Hmm, this thread started in the days when the photo was glued to the certificate. Now, they print digital photo on the certificate. The department of state is not picky, much less picky than the USCIS, so I think your passport application will most likely be accepted without any issues.

I used my naturalisation certificate twice since naturalising - to apply for a new social security card and to change name on the driving licence. The reason I used the naturalisation certificate was because I did it before applying for a passport. This way, if my passport and the naturalisation certificate were lost by the post office, I would still have a proper ID and could pass I-9 requirements for employment. However, I cannot think of any situation where the certificate could be more useful than the passport. So, once you get a passport, you can safely store the certificate in your drawer or safe for indefinite amount of time :)
Hi, I actually wrote my name twice on my certificate which is my full name and then my signature by it, so will their be a problem applying for passport?