signature in pictures issues and naturalization certificate


Registered Users (C)
Hi guys,

I have been reading all of your posts about sign in cursive or not. Well, in my interview I did not sign any picture.
I signed my N400 application with full name in cursive. The IO made me sign my regular signature, erased the cursive one and made me sign N400 with my regular one.

Is there any problem due to I did not sign my pictures in the interview?? What about in my naturalization certificate because I did not sign any picture to sign the same way.
It's should not be an issue, you would be given the NC during Oath and would sign both the Photo & Cert then. I had the same issue and it didn't cause any problem. What's your DO and Did you request a name change? If it still bothers you, schedule an InfoPass to clarify.
It's should not be an issue, you would be given the NC during Oath and would sign both the Photo & Cert then. I had the same issue and it didn't cause any problem. What's your DO and Did you request a name change? If it still bothers you, schedule an InfoPass to clarify.

thanks for your answer.
My DO is Santa Ana, CA and I requested a name change. Did you sign both in your Oath??.
I am going to wait for a while before requesting InfoPass. I had my interview on 07/09 so I think it is too early to do it.
Anyway, I think that´s depend on the DO to sign or not sign the pictures.