Signature Consistency


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My signature has changed since my passport was issued 8.5 years ago. What signature would I use on the PCC request application (or any matters I deal with Indian Consulate)?

I have been using my recent signature in immigration matters (like DS 230 PartI). Any inputs please?

Originally posted by rashmi_rau
My signature has changed since my passport was issued 8.5 years ago. What signature would I use on the PCC request application (or any matters I deal with Indian Consulate)?

I have been using my recent signature in immigration matters (like DS 230 PartI). Any inputs please?


When's your interview likely? If not in the next 6 mos. You can renew your passport and things will be in order.
Re: Re: Signature Consistency

Can I renew it now? My Passport expires next December.

Originally posted by alren
When's your interview likely? If not in the next 6 mos. You can renew your passport and things will be in order.
Re: Re: Re: Signature Consistency

And I expect my interview to be around August/September.

Originally posted by rashmi_rau
Can I renew it now? My Passport expires next December.
I don't think so.

You will need to be in the 9th year for renewal. And for Aug/Sep review you might not be able to do so.
It does not matter what signature you use on the PCC.
The reason is that the PCC issue is stamped on your passport.
So, the Indian Embassy/Consulate knows that the PCC is being issued to the person for whom it is meant.

You can apply for a new passport with the reason that your appearance has changed. Eight and a half years is a long time most people look at least a little bit different, at least that is true for males.

Also, the PCC is independent of the DS230. Therefore, it does not matter if you use different signatures on Indian government documents than on US ones.

So, "females" don't change appearance. Such a solace if it were true!

Thanks anyway guys. I'll think about changing the PP now itself.

This was an interesting conversation started with signatures difference and ended with male vs female physical appearance difference over years. Well in your case, really a signature difference should not matter much. Even my signature has changed since my first passport was issued. No questions were asked. There is no specific need to change passport right unless it gives you additional comfort.
I concurr with KD,my current signature has also been changed from the pasport.What really matters in IV are physical appearance and fingerprints.
I also agree signature doesn't really passport, first passport which was issued when i was 5, is what I used until I was 15 and the passport I got after that is what I have been using for quite some time and my signature is totally different from what it was before. I don't think its that big a deal...I just had my cp interview recently.
