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Hi experts,

Thanks for the wonderful information made available for folks to apply for immigration benefits. I am in the process of applying for citizenship. I have reviewed all the FAQs etc. related to this topic and I appreciate if you could answer the following for me:
1. The following is the text from the INstructions for filling N-400 PDF document:
"After reading the statement in Part 11, you must sign and date it. You should sign your full name without abbreviating it or using initials. The signature must be legible. Your application may be returned to you if it is not signed."
The above states the signature should be full name but legally since I am in USA(for more than 15 years), I have simply been signing starting with my last name initial and followed by full first name. This is my legal signature everywhere(greencard, bank, mortgage etc.). My question is should I sign as I am normally signing for so long or should simply write my full name(though it may not match with how I sign everywhere else). Would there be any kind of signature match that could cause problems down the road?

Second question I have, I am answering Yes to the Part 7, question 16 in N-400 form(Have you ever been arrested, cited, or detained by any law enforcement officer....?
I have only traffic/parking tickets(fines paid and no charges filed). Also I do not know the exact dates of these citations, All I know is the year of violation. Would this oK?
Thanks again for your help in answering this questions. Thanks.

Hi experts,

Thanks for the wonderful information made available for folks to apply for immigration benefits. I am in the process of applying for citizenship. I have reviewed all the FAQs etc. related to this topic and I appreciate if you could answer the following for me:
1. The following is the text from the INstructions for filling N-400 PDF document:
"After reading the statement in Part 11, you must sign and date it. You should sign your full name without abbreviating it or using initials. The signature must be legible. Your application may be returned to you if it is not signed."
The above states the signature should be full name but legally since I am in USA(for more than 15 years), I have simply been signing starting with my last name initial and followed by full first name. This is my legal signature everywhere(greencard, bank, mortgage etc.). My question is should I sign as I am normally signing for so long or should simply write my full name(though it may not match with how I sign everywhere else). Would there be any kind of signature match that could cause problems down the road?

Second question I have, I am answering Yes to the Part 7, question 16 in N-400 form(Have you ever been arrested, cited, or detained by any law enforcement officer....?
I have only traffic/parking tickets(fines paid and no charges filed). Also I do not know the exact dates of these citations, All I know is the year of violation. Would this oK?
Thanks again for your help in answering this questions. Thanks.


Just to be on the safe side, sign your full name in cursive. Rest assured that it will not cause any problems down the road. As far as traffic tickets go, it's arguably the most hotly debated issue on this forum. Just search the forum for "traffic ticket" and you'll find your answer.
Hi experts,

Thanks for the wonderful information made available for folks to apply for immigration benefits. I am in the process of applying for citizenship. I have reviewed all the FAQs etc. related to this topic and I appreciate if you could answer the following for me:
1. The following is the text from the INstructions for filling N-400 PDF document:
"After reading the statement in Part 11, you must sign and date it. You should sign your full name without abbreviating it or using initials. The signature must be legible. Your application may be returned to you if it is not signed."
The above states the signature should be full name but legally since I am in USA(for more than 15 years), I have simply been signing starting with my last name initial and followed by full first name. This is my legal signature everywhere(greencard, bank, mortgage etc.). My question is should I sign as I am normally signing for so long or should simply write my full name(though it may not match with how I sign everywhere else). Would there be any kind of signature match that could cause problems down the road?

Second question I have, I am answering Yes to the Part 7, question 16 in N-400 form(Have you ever been arrested, cited, or detained by any law enforcement officer....?
I have only traffic/parking tickets(fines paid and no charges filed). Also I do not know the exact dates of these citations, All I know is the year of violation. Would this oK?
Thanks again for your help in answering this questions. Thanks.


1. Sign as you normaly sign your credit card, motgage, etc....
2. Answer NO, if citations are less than 500 dollars and NO arrests
Signature Difference

Hi folks,

Thanks for responding. It looks like there is no definitive answer based on the above 2 responses. Let me ask you all this, would it cause a problem down the road when I apply for US passport(I believe you are expected to have full name in the signature, not 100% sure) but then again, I need to change everywhere else in how I sign my name(credit cards, any other commercial applications etc.).
Is there a legal signature change process? If so, is it better to do it now or later?
Another question I have is, in my Green Card, the middle name is simply the middle initial(say R.) where as in the passport, the middle name is full middle name(Rao) but in N-400, I filled in both(full middle name at the begining of the application and then middle initial, as it appears in the GC, immediately following). Should I be concerned and if so, what can be done.

Thanks again.
I would answer yes. the form does not require you to provide documentation for $500 or less I believe but it says nothing as to whether you should disclose it or not - just say parking ticket - paid or something like that.
When I filled N-400 I signed with my first name, middle name and last name completey in cursive but when I went for interview, he asked me to sign on my photo with my regular signature I did it, when I got my Naturalization certificate the same photo was attached on it and handed over to you. He asked me to sign on my Naturalization Certificate in the same way I signed on my photo like my regular signature. I never had any problem so on application also you have to sign with full otherwise you have to do your regular signatures.

Bingo BAMCITIZEN! Thanks and appreciate your help for that clarity related to signature issue.