Should profanity be allowed on this forum?

Should profanity and bad words be allowed?

  • Yes, we are all adults and can handle it, plus nothing wrong with expressing your anger and sharing

    Votes: 16 20.0%
  • No, we are all grown ups, and need to behave in a civilized manner. If you are angry, there are bett

    Votes: 64 80.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Don't lose it people! Saddens me to see a prolonged discussion on morality, civility or what have you. Can it and forget it, its the weekend. Go have some fun/life.
As for me, here I go!
Originally posted by Silly Man
havingfaith, the world is a worth enough place to live in because of nice girls like you.

If (and as it seems it will), this poll shows that the majority doesn't want profanity, there will be no profanity.

About making indecent remarks, that might make you feel uncomfy, consider it this way, we all make those remarks to a monster who is troubling you and us... think of it this way, until we clean this board up .. :)

Mr Silly Man- your remarks are very condescending and very unbecoming of a moderator.

I would just like to ask you-
WHY did you ahve to hold this poll in the first place?
Dont you remember the rules when you clicked the
"Agree" button to become a member on this forum

In case you have -
let me refresh your memory with the agreement clause

Registration to this forum is free! ......

Although the administrators and moderators of ImmigrationPortal Forums will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and neither the owners of ImmigrationPortal Forums or Jelsoft Enterprises Limited (developers of vBulletin) will be held responsible for the content of any message.

By clicking the Agree button, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.

Para 2 states what your duties as a moderator are and para 3 states what responsibilities you have as a user. And you cannot say that you havent seen that objectionable thread- you very obviosuly have and yet chose to ignore it

Now you may argue saying - that you did not start the now infamous thread, but you have been complicit with it. In fact in another thread- you have yourself indulged in some colorful language prose.

Please take a refresher course in how to moderate this forum -
or else go the Gray Davis way

Profanity takes away the usefulness of this forum and a moderator indulging in it or encouraging it or not having the sense to IMMEDIATELY stop it- takes away the faith of the users of this forum
jmjmgd71, .. I thought I'd reply otherwise, but no time .. sorry.

Word of advice, if you have a problem with anyone, this board does provide the functionality of "ignore user" .. click on profile, ignore user ..

I just tried it on you .. and it works beautifully .. POOHOO !!

Here is what I read now,

25th July 2003 04:11 PM This person is on your Ignore List. To view this post click [here]
How about creating another poll. To have SM as moderator or NOT ?

Nothing personal, SM. But you shoulda deleted threads like these without a poll, like you always say.
My thoughts.

If not Silly Man, lets invite volunteers who would want to be moderator. All the folks who do volunteer, should get in touch with Rajiv, and Rajiv gives a final list. Then based on popular vote we can decide who gets to be moderator or not.

You need to realize that everyone wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die.

.. So rather than sitting on the sidelines and poking fingers, come in the center and do the job and let Silly Man rest a bit. In any democracy there is a change every now and then anyway.

Any volunteers??

Either way, I think we need to have a rotation of moderators going on .. no harm in fresh mindsets. Also, I've been really busy to visit this forum as much as I'd rather do, and I envision myself getting even busier over the course of the next couple of months (few big releases coming up). I have no problem being moderator, but I would rather see some person on this board with the privellige of raising real questions/confusions/suggestions to Rajiv. Lets have a representative/proxy of the board .. atleast someone.

I don't wanna see a moderatorless board.

PS: And when you say Volunteers .. that means "I volunteer" not "I recommend".
Last edited by a moderator:
Chill Out Guys


I am also one like you, waiting for 485.

When the first thread was posted it was like fun for everyone. We saw lot of people encouraging or reacting on that. Why no one reacted at that point? When the poll was posted everyone is reacting.

If anyone is frustrated they have right to show frustration. But after using the language first time, did it have any impact? It should not become regular event now. Also, we have lots of ways to keep the forum live than writing this language.

I request everyone to chill out and not repond to these offesinve language. This will automatically stop. Let us appreciate the job done by Silly Man, Kashmir and other people, be co-operative to each other and make this forum more productive and useful.

Let us not get mad at BCIS, Sillyman or anyone else. They are no way reponsible for delays. The final control is in someone else's hand.

Enjoy the weekend.
Ok gopher97

gopher97 - In a nutshell, your post indicates that you are exactly the person I feared you would be. Good luck.

Instead of teaching morality and culture to others.
let us focus of the real issue of immigration on this forum.
It would be a abuse and miss-use of this forum if we
use it to apply our hypocritical personality here.

hey - what is America - if not the free world ??? If I want profanity edited out I'll go to church - let everyone speak their mind ( and show their upbringing and their stress levels ) - start editing this free world and I'm out of here - one thing though - if you are going to swear in hindi please post translation so we can all enjoy or curse you for what you are worth !!!!!
Re: Ok gopher97

Disclosure: Following post may contain profanity. If you are offended by it, please stop reading and move on. Rated R for SL

Originally posted by rsimhamb
gopher97 - In a nutshell, your post indicates that you are exactly the person I feared you would be. Good luck.

Is that all you have to say? You ought to be ashamed of yourself! You still haven't answered my question as to why you keep reading my posts which have explicit warnings about profanity which you claim to be offended by. Not that you have to aswer to me, but you claimed to "speak up". So speak up if you have the balls to!
Re: Chill Out Guys

Originally posted by Hibuddies

Let us not get mad at BCIS. They are no way reponsible for delays. The final control is in someone else's hand.

Huh! What? This must just be an act of God then!
Re: My thoughts.

Originally posted by Silly Man

I don't wanna see a moderatorless board.

PS: And when you say Volunteers .. that means "I volunteer" not "I recommend".

I would rather have a free-for-all. People have issues with authority and doesn't matter who the moderator is, we'll see this crap.

Anyway, too bad you are not taking recommendations for moderator; I was gonna recommend 1amShantanuB ;)
in bad taste gopher .. in bad taste.

BTW, it is good to have a moderator, because he can ask Rajiv certain questions that no one here has an answer to. Rajiv himself doesn't have time to visit each and every forum individually.
Rajiv must be busy filing EADs, APs, etc. Ok, I agree with you, we need a moderator. I would volunteer, but you know how much love they have for me here ;)

Oh, one other thing, to think that you take this crap from people (my self included) for no pay, damn, I don't blame you for the pot!
Originally posted by Silly Man
in bad taste gopher .. in bad taste.

Disclosure: Following post contains profanity. If you are offended by it, please stop reading and move on. Rated R for SL

You know there's so many comments to that one, but I will refrain. I'll leave it to your imagination. ;)

gopher97 - hate to burst your bubble, but I have the genitilia, and the green card (approved last month), so speaking up (or being ashamed) is not the issue here... As stated earlier, you definitely need all the help you can get - good luck.
I sort of agree with rsimhamb. We all poop but we do it in a bathroom with the door closed right? Why mouth poop in public?

jaymehra11 - I agree, it is futile to expect people to change their ways, even if it means that they would be doing the right thing - in the context of this conversation. I didn't quite get the hypocritical part - explain if you care.

I am amazed when I see the responses to my post regarding culture. I am Indian and am very, very proud of my (our) heritage. So what is wrong in letting the world know of the good things that we bring to it, as opposed to the filth that is posted in the name of free (moderated) speech. What was wrong with what I stated?

This board is about immigration, but imagine for one moment that a BCIS official sees a translated version of the posts here. What would they think? They would ask - Are these the kind of people we would want to allow to live and prosper in our country, like we don't already have our problems? How is cursing someone's mother in any way beneficial to immigration or the green card process? Another question, would you, or any one reading this post allow anyone who speaks such wonderful and endearing language to live in your house, with your family?

I reacted the way I did because I do not want people from other cultures to think that we are uncouth. If that's so wrong, sue me. And yes, I will speak up when I deem necessary - after all, this is free speech, right?


Ravi (yes, that's my real name)
" I agree, it is futile to expect people to change their ways, even if it means that they would be doing the right thing - in the context of this conversation. I didn't quite get the hypocritical part - explain if you care."
- we always cannot do everything which does not offend anybody.

"I am amazed when I see the responses to my post regarding culture. I am Indian and am very, very proud of my (our) heritage. So what is wrong in letting the world know of the good things that we bring to it, as opposed to the filth that is posted in the name of free (moderated) speech. What was wrong with what I stated? "
- you said "I agree, it is futile to expect people to change their ways".
And I would add everyone is mature enough on this board to decide what is appropriate for self.

No problem in being proud on our heritage and culture. But, let us practice it ourself than preaching other. I am not for enforce our culture ,thought and standard on others.

"I reacted the way I did because I do not want people from other cultures to think that we are uncouth. If that's so wrong, sue me. And yes, I will speak up when I deem necessary - after all, this is free speech, right? "

- people dont maka judgement about the culture of the society , based on the remark of one individual .