Should I show the recent pay stub at the interview?


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During the interview at Embassy, should we present the most recent pay stub directly to an interview officer? Or since employment letter and IRS record were already included in P3, I won\'t have to show anything new to prove I am still employed?

Thanks in advance.
Keep latest 4 paystubs with you but give them only if they ask

Same for other support documents, carry all of them but show only that will be asked.
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Hello Cpers,

Greetings !!

I have one question for u please..
My CP interview is on July19.I got laidoff last week.My question is,after get back from successful cp,from July 20 onwards,can I able to work directly to any other employer..? Right now I am on pay roll without pay with my present employer.if u can,please let me know.Thanx..
Might cause some problems....


I spoke with an attorney about a similar case, so here is what I fould out.

Technically, you need to be employed by the same company and same position at the time of CP interview. If you lie under oath and INS finds it out later, you will be in a big trouble.

Second, in case you are laid off after you enter the States back from your home country for the interview, there will be some work-around.

But your case is difficult as you are already laid off.... Talk to your attorney.

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Your must report to work upon your return and your employer must intend to employ you at that time. Anything less than this is fradulent.

Can you use any accumulated vacation to continue to be paid through this time?

Loosing job now, will put you out of status for your stay. The green card is based on future employment. If the company will still stand by the letter they gave you then you are OK. If that letter is not valid then you will be swearing under oath knowingly and it is a felony offence. I think you need to see an attorney for your options.
My 2 worth. Sorry if I have been blunt.
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Thanx for info.There is no problem with my employer.Even they r not paying,they keep me on payroll and marketing my resume.But some other
comapanies asking me to come forward to work for them directly after
get back from CP interview.Is it possible..? I know.I need to hook up with same employer and employer also so cooperative.Sorry for confusion.Any ideas..? please let me know..Thanx..
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GC dreamer,

Thanx for info.Anyway, there is no problem with employer.Even they r not paying,keep on pay roll & marketing my resume.They r giving notarized employment letter also.BUt some other companies asking me to work directly to them after get back from CP interview.Is it possible..? any ideas..? please let me know.Thanx..
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Thanx for info.There is no problem with employer.They r giving employment letter and marketingmy resume as well.BUt some companies asking me to work for them directly after get back from CP interview..? is it possible..? please let me know.Thanx..
after CP

I read comments on some lawyer web sites about how long to work with an employer. If they sack you on the day you come back, it is not your problem. If you leave within 6 months of getting a green card then INS can revoke one\'s green card because the alien did not have intention to take up permanent employment when he/she applied for one. BUT, there is no reported case of INS going after anyone. I think INS has their hands full with more important things than chasing green card holders. So in short, it is your call and it boils down to your conscience.
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Thanx fo rinfo_One more question please..
In worst situation,If i go without job and with notarized employment leeter from my employer which means still I am employee of them,can I face any problem at CP interview..?let me know.Thanx..
letter is only for future employment

Not having job means one is out of status in the country. Unless you change to F1 or something else from H1. There is a maximum out of status period that can be waved by the consulate. I can\'t remember how much that is.
question of status

You wont have problem regarding your eligibility for green card, but you will be living in the US without "status.\' There is a maximum out of status period that can be waved. I am not sure what that period is. Alternatively, you could go to your home country and wait for your interview rather than live out of status in the US.
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Thanx..IS there any posiibility to postphoning the date..? so that I will get job and make a comfortable trip..any ideas..? please let me know.Thanx..