Should I Send the FBI Clearance Documents?


Registered Users (C)
I'll be sending out my PR application to Buffalo very soon, but I still haven't got my FBI clearance documents back.

I'm just wondering, can I just send out my application without the FBI clearance documents enclosed? or my application will be returned if there is no FBI clearance documents enclosed?

I'm still confused on what must be sent out along with my initial application, what can be sent out later, I tried to search in this forum but didn't get any answer.
Moving to or Moving From > Permanent Residence in Canada > Should I Send the FBI Clea

Hi there!
You should enclosed all documents requested. Anything short of that your application would be returned to you. Just wait till you have the clearance and submit your application.
I guess documents are:
Police Check/FBI Report
All forms requested
Marriage certificate of spouse (if married) and children (if any)
Processing fee + (PR fee if you have it)
References from employers
Copies of ID or passport of sponsor etc

Can't remember all on top of my head but will answer any questions you have later.

Thanks Jes2jes,

But I saw some people here, it seems that they didn't provide the FBI clearance documents at the first time they filed their application, and they did get file numbers and were asked for the FBI clearance documents later...

Another question: In the Checklist (Buffalo), it said: Send photocopies of all documents except the police certificates...So, do I have to submit all notarized document copies? for the undergraduate transcripts, I just have the original transcripts in foreign language, is it OK for me to make a translated english copy by myself and attach it with the copy of original transcripts?
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Hi tolive:
I got my IA recently. I didnt submit Fbi clearence when I sent my form back in Feb2005. Also, eventhough you send the police clearence now, there is a chance that they will request you to do the same again, since its valid for only a year.

i would suggest you send whatever you have as soon as possible. That way your application will be the queue earlier...

good luck
thomas - people have been telling me recently that sending the application just to be in the queue dosen't work anymore? I also read about applications being sent back..
To Live,
I am telling you of my experience from England and not Buffalo NY guess the rules are different although I beg to differ. It is best to send everything in a go so then you wait through the processing and receive your file number. In London, if you leave out anything, your whole application would be returned and you have to resubmit. You need to have your transcripts and certificates translated into English or French and have it evaluated by one of the educational services (WES is good) if your certificates where not obtained from Canada or US. Also everything else would have to be photocopies with the exception of the police certificates. Down here certificates are valid for only 6 months. I don't think you need to resubmit since they have a process call lock down, which treats your application to the day of submission regardless of law changes or whatever.

I hope this is clear. Anything shout.
hi tolive
I'm also in the process of applying and confused with this. Did u applied with FBICC or not?. Please let me know as i'm also in the process of collecting the docs. Thomas already responded to my query. But i just want to take the consensus.

Thanks in advance,