Should I reply saperately for 2 REf?


Registered Users (C)

I got REf for my self and for my daughter So My question is--

1-Can I reply for both REf saperately ?

2- My document is not ready yet but her is all ready so is it ok if I am sending her REF reply now and for me one month later???

Thank you all in advance.
>>I got REf for my self and for my daughter So My question is--

>>1-Can I reply for both REf saperately ?
Yes, you have to reply your RFE seperately as both are different 485 application and not one.

>>2- My document is not ready yet but her is all ready so is it ok if I am sending her REF reply now and for me one month later???

It is fine provided you reply your RFE within specified time, I think it is 12 weeks.
However, if you are primary applicant, it won't benefit by replying your daughter's RFE first. They will only approve your daughter's case when they are approving your case.

This is my personal opinion.