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Should I go further with my case

Right ..US needs CPAs like they need another ...you know what !

one of many (millions?)posts available on the net related to accounting jobs

"I feel the same way as you do: frustrated. I graduated with bachelors in accounting almost two years ago and still don't find any full- or part- time job. I have only been working on two temporary jobs doing taxes: the first job lasted two months and the second job lasted four months.

Now, I can say that have a little accounting experience, but every time I apply for a job employers require at least one year of experience.

Before I graduated I thought it was going to be easy finding a job in accounting, but now I see that was a myth or too good to be true. I have also noticed that to find a job in accounting, you need to know someone that likes you and with strong influence in the field to get you in."

PLUS this person who you are quoting is not a CPA. there are way less CPAs than people with accounting degrees
gee newsflash! you can't get a job in any field with any qualifications if you can't do well in interviews and don't come across likable!! every accounting major i graduated with some years ago were recruited before they even graduated....

and that would be when ?
Like 7-10 years ago
every year since the crisis started is bit more difficult for all of the proffessionals
accounting jobs are getting cut everywhere ..because there is nothing to "count"
if the economy shrinks for 5% in a year 3 years running and 30 millions lost jobs ..do you think somebody needs accountants to calculate welfare and food stamps? ;)
accountants are cut even from big corporation ..bank of america is cutting 30 000 jobs and guess what half of that numbers are accountants with degree..other banks to follow ..deloite cut about dozen thousands way back
accounting job could pay off only if you have "inside" connection in some company or corporation..other then that forget about it