Should i file for worm or get a lawyer in my case


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Please i need help!!!!!!!!!! just wanted to ask a question about my pending AOS,i have been going through this thread and i see marriage base AOS do not take this long,i have contacted the ombudsman and i got a mail to wait for 45day and contact them if i do not hear from the uscis.its almost 45days,i no there is possibility that i might not hear from them.i was assigned a work flow #
1 Can i file wom now.
2 What is a work flow #
3 if i do not hear from them should i contact a lawyer
please general advice
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It's WOM (Writ of Mandamus), not worm!

In addition to the Ombudsman, you should also contact your Senator and/or Congressperson, and give them a couple months to act. If you don't show that you've made enough attempts to resolve it through other avenues and given them a chance to take action, the courts will throw out your WOM case.
thanks for your reply I have contacted the congress,senator and ombudsman,should i hire a lawyer now, how long do i need to wait after the 45days expire
How long ago did you contact the Congressperson and/or Senator? You should give them at least 2 months to act before filing WOM.

For the Ombudsman, if they haven't done anything by the end of the 45 days, contact them one more time, explaining that you already told them about the case 45 days ago. Then wait another 10-15 days before filing WOM.
Ok thank you and God continue to bless you,but my last question
i will like to get a lawyer involve should i get him involve in the ombudsman contact for the second time