Should I bring a certified translator to the interview?


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My wife and I are waiting if we get called for an interview to have her I-751 approved and her conditional status removed. She speaks very limited English. At our 1st interview when she got her conditional green card, when the Interview Officer asked her a question and she could not answer, then so, finding she doesnt speak English, he got irritated and told my lawyer that a qualified translator should have been brought. But she got approved anyway for her conditional GC.

Our lawyer then told us outside the office that this IO cant make his mind because she has brought translators before for interviews and the IO has complained that there are too many people in the office.

If we need to go for our next interview, its a different location because we have moved.

Has anybody out there brought a translator to their interview or not? What has been your experienced? How much does a certified translator charge?

First off, not necessarily there would be an interview to remove the condition on your wife's temporary GC. Many I-751 get approved without an interview.

However, if you guys are called for an interview then you SHOULD take a certified tranlator with you regardless if your wife really has a problem understanding and answering in English. Without communicating in English, it would be hard for any officer to conduct an interview. The previous officer was nice to have approved her application for conditional green card; otherwise most officers could have continued her case and could have rescheduled for another date to come with a translator. It's a common sense that officers cannot communicate without English unless officers speak the same language you do. Interview is not for photo-ops, right? It's about getting the facts, asking questions about application and interviewing the applicant. And without communicating, it's not possible. So, do get a tranlator if you guys are scheduled for the interview.
Thanks Johhny, I hope we won't be called for an interview and just for my wife to be approved. If interview, I plan to take a translator.

Like I said, the IO that did our 1st interview was quite a character and my attorney said that when bringing translators for her clients with this IO, he would have a fit complaining that there are too many people in his office.
I already know that Praetorian. My question here is about a translator, not whether my wife needs to learn English.