Shot myself in the foot by talking to an IIO at 3:54 p.m.


Registered Users (C)
ND:09-16-00, EB2, India.

Spoke to an IIO because another IIO had not been very forthcoming on Monday last. This man looked up my EAC number and started yelling at me:

"I see that you have been calling up every week. What is your problem?"

"How many times do you call off hours?" (I responded that I do it once in a while).

"Do you know how much taxpayer money you have wasted? You guys think you can come here and get things done in your own way?"

"I am very suspicious that there is a problem with your application and I will initiate an inquiry." (I thought that he was trying to help me and I asked him the same. His clarification was as follows)

"No. I will initiate an inquiry through CIA to ensure that you have lived in your previous addresses abroad...they will contact the local police by mail."

"I think you will need to wait about a 1000 days now. No, don\'t complain now, you deserve this."

I am wondering if he was serious or whether he was just jerking me around. Also can I lodge this complaint with a Senator or someone. I do not think there is a stipulation that an applicant may not call more than once a week, or even if I did to be treated in this manner.
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I do not think they can do that.
This is very wrong what IIO has done , but how are you going to prove it?
you are almost near. talk to your lawyer and ask them to call IIO and verify about inquiry.

who was it man/woman?

good luck
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Do they log each time you talk to an IIO, or do they log
every time you call the automatic voice system (including
during the night)?
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they do log when u call, atleast when u speak to IIO, i have only called twice with IIO, but it was in the same week and the officer told me, why i was calling about the same matter (FP notices for india) again.
i dont know about after hours, but i guess they can keep track if they want to. i dont see what purpose, that would serve. i can see why they want to track people who call and speak to IIO.
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When you say you can see why they want to track people who call and speak to IIO, do you mean they might like to use such information for punitive measures? I cannot imagine a government agency in a democratic society doing that, but then INS has really taken meanness and ineptitude to new depths :).
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I think everytime you call they have to update what you are asking for. That\'s just normal businese requirement. Don\'t Worry.
Also the operators are not the officers who are processing the Forms.
They are just like from the help desk.
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Its the usual practise to log telephone conversations for anyone involved in "customer support". This way when you call the next time the person answering the phone can go through what transpired earlier and thus avoid having to go through the usual questions again. This is what I have observed people in my company who provide support over the phone doing. I don\'t think you have to worry about it.
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They have to log the phone calls, as much for convenience, as for their own jobs. A phone log essentially serves as a proof that they have been working.

I\'m not sure if IIO\'s come under the Records Division of VSC, but a lot of workers in the records division are actually contractors [from -- check for vsc under field offices]
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Remember: we are all tax payer. We must have the right which all tax payers have. If this story is true and you have the record you may sue INS. Clearly it is discrimination.

Besides, you paid the processing fee. You have the right to call, no matter how many times.
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This is a good example of how a government clerk
abuses his power. It seems the IIO you talked to
hates immigrants, and his definition of the job
must be kicking people out of the country.
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You most definitely should log a complaint against this guy (with date and time you called). Send it to the VSC head and copy the senators in the immigration subcommittee. (At least I would!)This is ridiculous!
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I think u should log a complaint against this IIO, as it is ur
right to find out status about ur application and u can do it
100 times a day. Also I think u should have taken his id number
because he may not give u his correct name and when he was being
rude, u should have told him to talk to his manager and told
him that this discussion was being recorded by you, although
he would have told u it is illegal, but it would have put him
to his defenses. I have had instances where INS officers have
asked me when I am going to go back to my home country for good
and I have put them on their defenses, making sure that I am not
going to take their crap

good luck
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Gemini, Sorry to hear about the bad experience you had. I don\'t think calling an IIO helps much since they don\'t have the precise information about individual applications in any case. As far as lodging a complaint or suing the INS is concerned, do it only if you think that you have been wronged unfairly. Just to present another point of view, a colleague of mine told me once that no country is under any obligation to give permanent residency/ citizenship to anyone. So it is presumptuous to take it as a right. It is more of a privilege.... In any case, I think the IIO was probably just trying to scare you so that you don\'t call them frequently.
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Just to initiate perspective from Americans point of view. America is
doing you a big favor by letting you come here , become a permanet resident and eventually a citizen itself . Can you or India allows this ?.Americans are very broadminded people ,dedicated so much resources from the tax payer money to INS .So you are actually abusing INS resources by calling them for same thing several times . You know very well that from INS monthly processing times report ,
what you should expect in each stage of Application . You also know that your attorney is your point of contact .With your type of
attitude the whole immigrant community will be potrayed badly .

I would say the IIO is probably right when he said “You guys think you can come here and get things done in your own way?" .

I really wonder now what’s the future of your application .
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Let\'s learn a lesson from this. Next time when you call, if a male
answers the phone, just hang up.
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I disagree with ur statement with all due respect and please dont
get offended by statements.
first of all, a lot of americans think that they only have a right to stay and u are taking away that right from them.

Secondly u are talking about tax payer money, well we are also one
of the tax payers to this country and thus we have the right to
ask questions.

Also the image of saying America is doing a favor to us, is not true
because, America is benefiting from ur services, the American economy is doing all because of ur efforts as part of their team, and getting
ur rights is part of the rewards. We have to come out of this favor
mind set and stand up fight. Look what did the Cuban Americans did
for someone who was not even contributing to this country, where as
we H-1B holders are contributing to this economy.
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Hi, Gemini,

        It\'s very unfortunate that IIO treated you like that. I\'m just wondering totally how many times you called IIO, and since when you have called IIO every week.

        Appreciate it if you can post an answer. Thanks.
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Mediator you are very naive in assuming America is doing us a favor. Do you really think America and Americans are allowing immigration out of the goodness of their hearts? Think again. They\'re doing it because its good for their economy. They are allowing computer professionals by the hordes because they would like to keep their IT companies flourishing. If they did not the lead in computer technology would probably shift to another country. What happenned to the auto industry ? Its now the Japanese who dominate.

Don\'t ever think that immigration is all about social service. Its economics and world power.