Shd we fill again D156 and D157


New Member
Advise me in editing online D156 and D157

I filled their D156 and 157 online and after my signature on D156 & D157, I sent the printout forms to India. After 1 month they got promotion and their address, phone number and city has changed.

Please advise me what to do in following:
1. should I fill it again ONLINE(I don't know if i can do that at with new work info shd my parents edit the same form with new work info OR

2. Should I sent them a blank D156-157 so that they can fill it themself and put their own signature as they only prepared the application OR

3. just let it be the same and at the time of interview they will askl them to edit in fornt of the interviewer.

Give me your fare advise me please as soon as possible.

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