Shall we ever be able to figure out the approval pattern?


Registered Users (C)
In the same day/week,

some OCT '02 or NOV '02 or DEC '02 or JAN '03 or FEB '03
or JULY '03 cases get approved.

Some in EB2 some in EB3

they must be working really hard not to show any patterns.

But it is hard to predict the cause of such a randomness.

Do you think, they are reading this forums and approve cases in a way that will break any theory which is nearby their strategy?


As of today, my 140 application is pending for 16 months! I got my EAD renewed, but that didn't trigger the 140 process.
If i call BCIS, i think their answer would be, it takes 17 months to process the EB2 cases..... There is no use in calling them. My employer or his attorney is not ready to help in making the enquiry. Any suggestion longs(guys who are waiting for 12+ months)?
Re: Pattern?

Originally posted by snowbell
As of today, my 140 application is pending for 16 months! I got my EAD renewed, but that didn't trigger the 140 process.
If i call BCIS, i think their answer would be, it takes 17 months to process the EB2 cases..... There is no use in calling them. My employer or his attorney is not ready to help in making the enquiry. Any suggestion longs(guys who are waiting for 12+ months)?

That must really be frustrating...I suggest neverthless you should call BCIS yourself. Keep calling them, may be some representative will initiate an inquiry

Really no one knows what to do with this lazy people. No logic, no sequence. Some times I feel that you should have done paper EAD renewal. But I really I do not know. Whenever I see your post I start to think about what can we do? No answer.
BCIS - needs policing

I strongly believe the random, unfair, pick & choose strategy for doing I140 & other cases by the USCIS is not to confuse us. They must have some guidelines to go by. The questions is are these guidelines fair and subject to public disclosure and if so, why isn't AILA all over it.

As you may notice, the LEGAL, hardworking immigrants really don't have a voice in this country! AILA, others really play a passive role. A simple thing like treating every applicant equally and not in a random order is our basic right. AILA can certainly approach the USCIS with a threat to file suit but no one really cares for us. That's just my opinion.
First of all we are not united. That's the reason USCIS doesn't care about us. We don't voice our concerns. Most of us just good for whining in this forum. If you want see any result, just start raising your concerns everywhere.
Got my EAD renewed but still no I-140 in sight.
It now is 90 -485 days- started with 90-110 days.
There is no method in the madness so let us not waste too much time analyzing and speculating.
It would be a long slow frustrating ride. Just have to put up with it. :rolleyes:

ND 10/01/02/EB2
