SFO Interview: 485 approved (AC21)

This whole thing works like mafia and we are poor victims.
Are we criminals ? NO
Are we not well educated ? Yes we are
Are we not enough intelligent to understand what IIOs is asking ? Yes we can understand
Can't we reply IIO's questions ? Yes we can

Thing is IIOs takes undue advantage and so lawyers.

Otherwise what is the point of asking stupid questions ? Why can't IIO take us seriously ? Why IIO's does not work like bank employees where you can drop in and get your work done without lawyer. Do we take lawyers with us while getting DL ? Do we take lawyers when be buy cars ?

In madman's case what lawyer did madman could have done it by himself but since this whole system stinks that's why he couldn't dare to do it and he didn't wanted to jeopardize his case (so called).

Ideally we don't need lawyers but since this INS thing does not work on ethics that's why we need unethical lawyers do deal with it.
I need your help MADMAN ...

I had my interview on 22nd and the officer asked me the same question he had asked you.

My labor was filed with 82500 but i am currently getting 75k. He asked me to get a letter from my employer about the salary as he had asked you ....

Can you please give me what kind of format or letter did u provide to the INS officer from your employer, so that i could also work on those lines ...

I would really appreciate if you could please forward me the format or the text of what is requiered..... i can give you my personnal email id and you could please post it to that mail id ...

appreciated ... mail id - cirigiri@hotmail.com. Thankx in advance.
can they red flag like that? if so for what reasons? can leaving the employer approx. after one or more year after GC be one of them?

140_takes_4ever said:

Don't want to be the voice of doom or anything, but a word of caution. We have had a case on this forum before where the person did not make the amount of money stated on the LC, but received their GC's after the company promised to pay the LC amount after receipt of GC. INS in the mean time, red flagged that cases, they actually checked back after six months, and revoked the green card when they found the salary did not match. Since the officer actually saw the original employment letter and then the modified one, he might have made a note of it somewhere.

Just to be safe, I suggest you do request your company to pay you the same amount of money as stated on your LC or change jobs.

Good luck!
Glad to see approvals have become such a run of the mill thing that people no longer check dates and read the original post but blindly wish people. Interestingly this approval was on 10th April 2003, 02:57 PM, quite some time ago I am sure you will agree. :)