SFO INS Worker Mocked Me


it is surprising to see most of us say (or atleast feel) that "we immigrants contribute to the economy of this country". Please note that this country is allowing you to improve your economic standards. Dont think too much of your self.

By the way, how many times you showed gentlman\'s behavior in your office life. Sometimes we also behaves indescently. AngryDesai dont get annoyed. You also must have mocked (knowingly or unknowingly) several times
common Angry Desi

If you had same thinking while you are in india, probably you would have stayed back in india and enjoyed more than here. I guess none of the above messages didnt boost themselves. Never ever think that you have to do a favour to somebody coz he is doing a favour to you. If you wanna do any help just do it. Remember, you are able to improve your economic standards not beczuse of country\'s help, it is all based on NEED. If they dont require you, you will be the first person to be thrown out. It is common nature with any country. But, you should love the country whereever you live. I hate to hear that Oh.. this country is doing this to you, that.... etc. Just think of last year and this year, how are the people treated. Also, remember if you are a citizen, most of the services are offered for free. But anybody else, they have to pay for it.
No Title

RSGRC and others, you say let it slide, don\'t worry about it.
   But, would an American let is slide? If I or you went to
   one of our American co-workers and put on a fake accent
   and insulted him (in a non-joking sinister manner) would he let is slide? No way, he\'d report me and make it his
   personal business to make me apologize and show remorse
   otherwise he would get me fired.

   If we can\'t respect ourselves how can we expect others to.

   amaXXXXXXX. I have *never* insulted someone based on their
   country of origin. Many times I have been in a rush and had
   to cut conversations short, but this is a fact of being a busy

   TouchMe....... We must learn to respect ourselves, stand up for
   what we believe in, and behave like Americans if we want
   to become U.S. citizens. We must stop thinking everything is
   our fault, and that we must bend over backwards to make ourselves
   accommodate other people. We are equals in this country and
   should no let people walk over us.

   I am going to get a braclet that states:
   "WWAAD" = "What Would an American Do".
   I\'m serious.
hey hey angorydesi

Wow.............. what a reply??? Again another mistake... you... talking about my mentality... thats great... you are the one first raised this lousy issue.. and now stealed bits and peices from everybody\'s response and coming up with your own... you are saying exactly what i said by twisting the words...you said you want to learn and implement as life tool.......... so if you have guts go and do it on those people who made you suffer.. but not to us in the message board.. you should have shown this oversmartness to the INS guy and not to us... give us a break.. we are all trying to pacify you and now you are getting angry because of you... Still you are not making same damn mistake.. by not respecting yourselves first ....Huh...
Immediate response

This is a tough situation. Mind and heart rankle from the insult but there is no way to resolve this. There is an official barrier dividing perpetrator and victim. Complaining will not help as the person can easily say that he meant no harm (the act involved gestures only, the words were not offensive).

The only way to get retribution for this situation is to act immediately. I can think of some responses that could be directed at the official:

"Are you from the South? That is a nice Southern accent you have there"

"Enjoying yourself? Must be a boring job what you are doing"

[Using hardcore yank accent]"I am sorry, I can\'t unnerstan whatch you sayin\' kin you repeat that?"

Angrydesi, I suggest that you think of your own responses and say them aloud to a mirror. That may help you blow off steam.
political issue here, but what the heck I may as well jump in..

AngryDesi, GoldenGate, \'KickMy...\':

GG, I think you are right in your approach, but it is my opinion that such an approach is usually advisable only when you are on an \'equal\' status (if u know what I mean). When we r all on the side where v don\'t have our GC, lets be realistic, it is extremely hard to tell an IIO (of all people) to stuff it up his/her u know what (directly or in a smart ass way that u recommend - BTW I am fully for that approach it is the best way to put people in their place).

On the flip side, it is always best to document exactly what you experienced and put in an official complaint. If such a complaint were to ever reach the offending department/company, however much the \'doer of the crime\' may protest, or even if he/she is not identified, somehwere in their (and their fellow men\'s) minds it has been registered that \'hey, v better back off from this kinda behavior bcos it can have serious repercussions\'. This will create caution in such people\'s minds when dealing with others in the future, and right there u have succeeded in \'corraling\' them and restricting their \'I can get away with anything attitude\'. But the 64 mil dollar ? is, if I do not have my GC yet then is it really worth it (especially with an IIO)? I guess that is entirely up to you (the experiencer). Personally, I don\'t think I would do it if I did not have my GC (absolutely not ashamed to admit it). But today, after my GC has been approved - let somebody try that trick and I will cut them to pieces (using the approach that GoldenGate has suggested).

Anyhoo, \'TouchMe...\' u seem to b pissed off about a lot of stuff (lot of repressed anger there). In a way I don\'t blame u bcos v have all experienced things here (during our limited freedom days), that has created repressed anger in all of us, and our tolerance level for even the smallest of stuff has gone to 0 (I speak fro myself). Just cool off a little bit, once u get yr GC u will experience the immediate relief which will make everything seem ok. That is the crux of the problem (and our irritations) that we feel (and often express) here.

Finally, AngryDesi..your future action steps on this issue are your decision (I\'m sure u already know that). Excuse me for boring everyone with my detailed narrative, and again I wish each and everyone of you the best of luck in your GC approvals and the freedom that comes with it...

Good luck to all!!!

PS: As an aside, can some of you experienced gurus please answer my question in another post about PP stamping (titled "Received approval notices" or something like that)? Merci Beaucoup...
same incident at Secondary INS - SF airport

I was re-entering into the US and because of my advance parole was asked to go to secondary INS (the small little room). The INS guy wasn\'t even white, was seeming middle-eastern/muslim. He asked me to put the papers in the slot -I did that. And it didn\'t seem to me, but he thought that I nodded my head, left to right, instead of the top to down manner. He mocked me on that - saying \'you people need to first learn not to do that\'... I would have fought with him right there - he probably would have refused entry to me in that case.