Serious N400 Questions

For entertainment purpose: ( tried to post in the WBH thread..but it is already closed)

I got some questions too

1. Can we put on perfume to the interview? (some officer may be allergic to certain colognes) . What are the chances of denial if the IO doesn't like my perfume?
2. Do we need to shave and be clean? or Can I have mustache?
3. How about manicure and pedicure?
4. Should we greet the IO with a :

Whats up? (If the IO is a AfricanAmerican)
Howdy? (if the interview is in TX)
Hola! (for Latino IO)

5. Should we take a blue or black ink pen?
6. Can we eat chewing gum? or a altoid or some other mouth fresheners?
7. What if we gotta go ( :D ) during the interview? Can we say restroom or bathroom? Do you think it will irritate the interviewing IO?
8. Do we need to tuck in our shirts?
9. Can we wear glasses ? My photos are with contact lenses, so would wearing glasses constitute hiding a material fact and be reason for denial?

Just Kidding :D:D:D:D

Finding amusement while preparing for interview next Tuesday.

1. Yes
2.Don't know:confused:
3.No Problem
4.No Problem
5.Not Obligated:rolleyes:
7.No problem restroom and bathroom(same shit):D
8.You can't go around nude, just dress properly:D
9.Yes, no problem:)

Starting a new thread as "SERIOUS n400 questions" is misleading, which makes one to look at the thread. I normally prefer to skip threads which are not relavent to me. In your case I was forced to open it, because of the heading. I agree that humor is essential but not a new thread.
I have seen several folks use humor here and there in the threads which is fine and I enjoyed it but I have never seen someone start a new thread for humor using a SERIOUS heading.
Inteview experience

Hey Milk,
Can you please write about your interview experience once you are done with it tomorrow? I have mine coming up on 07/01

Starting a new thread as "SERIOUS n400 questions" is misleading, which makes one to look at the thread. I normally prefer to skip threads which are not relavent to me. In your case I was forced to open it, because of the heading. I agree that humor is essential but not a new thread.
I have seen several folks use humor here and there in the threads which is fine and I enjoyed it but I have never seen someone start a new thread for humor using a SERIOUS heading.

"Wrong Heading" is much better way to express your objections than saying "Stupid questions - quite a pity"