September slow approval rate

Silly Man

Volunteer moderator
Some thoughts on what to expect from INS in the near future ........... comments appreciated ...........

One possible theory is, that only (mostly) RFE cases are getting approved, which would be corroborated if we see the JIT move by yet another month at the end of Sept. If JIT doesn't move .. we're screwed. It'd help to have a headcount of WAC-01 folks still waiting (Along with their ND months & FP locations). Maybe INS is concentrating on getting the oldies out first.

Conversely, JIT movement suggests that INS has been concentrating on clearing EAD's which explains the delay in 485s. But they can only borrow so much time from here to there. EAD dates are very rectified now, and if they donot start concentrating back on 485's, INS will see long lines for EAD and AP #2's.

My guess is, INS won't realize that until too late, and we will see a couple of months with the same slow trend, and then speed shall return to 485 processing.

All this barring addition of red-tape and security checks and restructuring of INS etc. etc.. If that happens, that'd be really awful for all waiters.

In short, #*#&*$&!(*&@(#*&(#$#!*(&*@# #*#&*$&!(*&@(#*&(#$#!*(&*@# #*#&*$&!(*&@(#*&(#$#!*(&*@# #*#&*$&!(*&@(#*&(#$#!*(&*@# CSC INS. :mad:
Originally posted by Silly Man
Conversely, JIT movement suggests that INS has been concentrating on clearing EAD's which explains the delay in 485s.

They are doing everything but not our 485s look at this Got my plastic card WAC-02-043-54XXX It took only 18 days since pasport stamping till plastic card. I think if our bunch will be ever approved it will took years for receiving plastic card. :mad:
why so slow? why?

I have a feeling that the INS is not interested in approving us at all, after 911, and with bad economy situation, who wants immigrant? I said this because I feel hopeless, but I do want I am wrong.
May be no more cases are assigned ?

If we see the approval pattern, we are seeing many RFE cases being approved in Sep, may be they are not assigning any new cases to officers but clearing all those in their plate including RFE's.

If we look at last year(2001) Sep approvals on PCEE list we just have two, and started picking up in OCT and NOV.

So my thought is they are doing some clean up and also year end audit so that they can come out with numbers or statistics.

Hopefully we should all see many approvals in October.
RM, I think you are right

But .. what this means is, that right now they are doing a clean up operation, so the unlucky few with messed up cases will get cleared finally. Good for them.

What this also means is that they wont' do the next clean up for a while, so our unlucky god forsaken step children batch of people, if anyone's case gets stuck in this batch, he'd be waitin' forever.

One option we have at this point is that we could talk to our lawyers, and ask them to talk to INS to find out what the status is. INS usually talks better to lawyers than us. If we call they give us a mechanical answer "Still Waiting" "Still Pending" ARRRGGGHHH !!!
If that is the case we shld see old approvals

If that is the case we should see approvals of seniors. I don't see any activity(approvals) on this board. I am so.... frustrated with this wait. God knows when i will get my approval.
Desparately waiting for the good day :( :( :(
Red traffic light

When I met a red traffic light, usually, a number of red lights
are waiting for me. But, finally I will pass all of them.
This may apply to our long waiters.
A few years later, when we will see back, not a big deal
at all. God still bless us.
I am going ahead with filing for an EAD extension...
have an october01 RD..
cant trust, the AVM,cant trust the IIO's,
that walk back from the mail box is so depressing these days....

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
I think delay is due to 'INS transitioning and Restructuring'

On June 6, President Bush announced his intention to create a Department of Homeland Security. This proposal would consolidate many existing agencies, including INS, into one department. INS Commissioner James Ziglar expressed his immediate support for this proposal and noted, "I know I speak for all 35,000 men and women of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) in saying that we at the INS intend to do our part to make the new Department of Homeland Security a success."

Before the President’s announcement, INS restructuring had been under consideration by the Congress and the Executive Branch for several years. Creating separate chains of command and accountability for immigration services and enforcement functions had been central to all proposals during this time. The President’s Department of Homeland Security proposal and recent congressional legislative activities confirm that a separation of immigration services and enforcement functions remain central to reforming the nation's immigration infrastructure.

As a result, as Congress continues its review of the President's proposal, INS is moving forward with the creation of two new mission- centered bureaus, one for immigration services and one for immigration law enforcement. The Bureau of Immigration Services will provide immigration benefits, such as permanent residence and naturalization. The new Bureau of Immigration Enforcement will safeguard the nation's borders and enforce immigration laws, thereby strengthening the INS's ability to prevent illegal immigration. This fundamental reform will lead to performance improvements and will equip the INS to transition successfully into the new Department of Homeland Security.

Acting Deputy Commissioner Mike Becraft has been appointed to lead the INS Office of Transition and Restructuring, which will coordinate all agency-level activities related to transitioning to the Department of Homeland Security and restructuring immigration services and enforcement functions.
My 2 cents

I think there are 3 possible reasons for the delay
1. As mentioned INS is going to be restructured which results to dropping of the motivation of the officers.
2. The current financial year is going to end on September, 30 and probably INS is moving slower because of revising all the quotas by countries and make sure they are in the quota.
3. If you look back what is happening in the department of labor you’ll see there is a tremendous delay due to the huge amount of cases based on the recent amnesty for illegal emigrants(I-245). It is possible that a big number of these cases will now go to INS sucking its resources.
Good luck to all of us

Just my 2 cents
my $0.02

Georgi #2 ain't true. If it were, other INS centers would have slowed down too. Which kind of begets #1 not being true also.

I think the slowdown is INS concentrating on cases other than 485, which they can't continue to do for too long.

Whats worse, I bought a Crappy Mp3 player from costco today and it's skippin' like hell, so I had to spend $129.94 on slimx @ amazon .. hehe :D
VSC is moving fast CSC is sleeping

Just check out the VSC thread ... It seems there is a party going on there ...Approvals galore....And CSC is totally dead

:mad: :mad: :mad: :( :( :(
Feb case @ VSC Approved

Look @ rupnet, someone with ND = 02/19/2002 just got approved.

Out of the 4 centers, VSC seems to be the only one thats working as of right now, TSC is dead, NSC is ultra slow, and CSC works in spurts, the last 3 weeks have been really discouraging.

As on Sept 20th we have 18 approvals. This makes Sept. the slowest month in more than 1 year. All I hope is CSC isn't turning into a TSC whre they've put a total stop on approvals. Anyone knows why they've put a total stop on TSC?
silly man....

you are correct they are concentrating on a different case ...the adjucators priority right now is the TPS cases....

TPS = Time pass? What does TPS mean?

Too pathetically slow?
Too poor system?
Try proving sense?