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September cutoff numbers


Registered Users (C)
My case number is 2006AF35xxxxxx I am assuming my case number will be current in September. Can I call KCC to ask them when my interview is scheduled? Or if I don't recieve my appointment letter by mid August can I call KCC and ask them to remail it?

Unless you're from Egypt or Ethiopia, your number is current ( whatever the value ). You can potentially get an interview : embassies/consulate will be very busy, so there is no guarantee.
Yes, the best thing to do is to contact KCC : you may or may not be granted an interview date.

I am a bit confused about what "current" means....If it means that actually all numbers can claim for a interview...Why they spent 11 months only to call aprox 60% of the numnbers, just to make a mess in september?.
I read the bulletin and in effect they say that current means available for everybody... but sounds so illogic...comments welcome :confused: