September Case Approved


Thanks for giving us a hope. May be our cases gets the approval quite soon.
you the man.

You sir have a special place on this board.:)

Congratulations!!!! - go get them tiger.
Re: Last in First out

Exactly right!! They process each batch in reverse order!!

Obviously, there are 3 groups:
Group A: 1st to 10th of each month
Group B: 11th to 20th of each month
Group C: 21th to 31st of each month.

So, group C are fast officers so they always go faster.
Goup A is always the slowest idiots.

Well, the load of September is not so large. We will have this shit done.

BTW: I called an IIO yesterday, he said nothing is happening to my case and ask me to wait 30-60 days (standard answer, maybe).

Originally posted by venkatsx
This policy of INS continues. If you applied at the end of the month you get approved first. I wonder when will my time come.

PD Sep 19th 1999
RD Sep 4th 2001
ND Nov 11th 2001
FP Feb 12th 2002

Congratulations and enjoy freedom.
Thanks for posting approval info. immediately.
Congratulations, buddy!!

lets hope we all get our approvals soon.
I remember last Aug(01), VSC really pumped the gas for 140 Filers and people got approvals in 50-60 days.
Lets hope this Aug(02), VSC pumps up for 485 Filers, as its been a long and dry wait for us all.

Also lets pray the economy gets back on track and we all have stable jobs, if not high-paying, so atleast we can lead a normal and peaceful life.
I know bcoz of this sick economy people have not enjoyed Summer Trips to places, like we used to in 1999 and 2000.

Lets hope for the best.

Peace Always.
Re: Re: Last in First out

I understand everyone's frustration. If you look at lastest approvals for July 01 and Aug 01 RDs in the latest 100 approvals (another_wish's site), the approval pattern looks random.

Here is list for Aug. 01 RDs:

7/25/2002 8/1/2001
7/24/2002 8/28/2001
7/22/2002 8/20/2001
7/22/2002 8/14/2001
7/22/2002 8/3/2001
7/19/2002 8/23/2001
7/19/2002 8/13/2001
7/17/2002 8/27/2001
7/17/2002 8/9/2001
7/16/2002 8/13/2001
7/16/2002 8/13/2001
7/16/2002 8/8/2001
7/16/2002 8/3/2001
7/16/2002 8/1/2001
7/9/2002 8/10/2001
7/1/2002 8/2/2001
6/28/2002 8/28/2001
6/27/2002 8/6/2001
6/25/2002 8/21/2001
6/20/2002 8/28/2001
6/19/2002 8/2/2001
6/14/2002 8/27/2001
6/14/2002 8/8/2001
5/2/2002 8/20/2001

I don't see the three groups lumped together with ADs. I assume your RD is early in the month you filed. You may get it any day. Good luck.

BTW, Congratulations to the 1st Sep. 01 approval!

Originally posted by ric2
Exactly right!! They process each batch in reverse order!!

Obviously, there are 3 groups:
Group A: 1st to 10th of each month
Group B: 11th to 20th of each month
Group C: 21th to 31st of each month.

So, group C are fast officers so they always go faster.
Goup A is always the slowest idiots.

Well, the load of September is not so large. We will have this shit done.

BTW: I called an IIO yesterday, he said nothing is happening to my case and ask me to wait 30-60 days (standard answer, maybe).
3 cheers!!! Hep! Hep! Horay! Hep! Hep! Horay! Hep! Hep Horay!
Congratulations to the first approved september filer here!