September Approval???


Registered Users (C)
Lets open thread to discuss September Approval. What is best guess for september approval ? Jun end ?
It is useless to estimate this. If it comes, then comes.

In this speed - stop, stop, go a little, stop ..., who knows when we can expect a turn.
Looks like INS is cleaning up all EAC-01-xxx-xxxxx first ...

Almost all Sep filers is EAC-02-xxx-xxxxx
Hope there are quota left.
It\'s so close ...
No nothing like that.

Already EAC-02 series files are assigned to INS officer, some are already approved. Check this in August RD of VSC in

Good luck. No assumptions please.Just watch the approvals daily.

It has nothing to do with when the case was filed, it has everything to do with when it is approved. Relax, unless you are Indian or Chinese I wouldn\'t even think of worrying. You\'ll hear predictions out of the State Dept. in the visa bulleting and from AILA 2-3 months before the quota is used up, if it ever will be.
Maybe the best thing to do is ...

Forget about GC for a while and have some fun.
It\'s no use to worry. Let it happen when it happens ...
God will take care about it.

Good Luck everybody.
Does it make any difference if you are British citizen ?

My RD 09/2002
FP 03/05/2002

Does it make any diffence if you are british citizen ? Or queue is common for all ?