Sept. Processing Stats


Registered Users (C)
Sept, 2002 Stats:

Received RFE cases: 85
Mailed RFE cases: 173
New approved cases: 79 (see attached file)
Untouched cases: 1705 including undeliverable cases and transferred cases
Old approved cases: 717
Withdrawn cases: 5

Since more cases have been approved on Sept. 18th, 2002, the current processing time would be Sep. 18th, 2002. (Moved two days based on the announced processing time).

Where did you get the statuses on?

e.g. you have shown that EAC0227852521 I-140 case was approved on May 27, 2003.

I checked this case on the on-line status check and they still show this as pending.

So I am curious to find out how did you find out the cases and their statuses.

Re: SuSu

I didn't give the last digital. I used 'X' as last digital which could be 0 - 9. So the case no. EAC022785252X could be:


But not necessarily EAC0227852521. I would not post the exact case number.
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Sure, absolutely

Everybody comes to this board to help each other. BCIS provides the new technology. We should use it. But I can do it only after work. I can post mesg anytime and update only after work because I am extremely busy during daytime.

I will do as PeterDatte asks after work. Thanks.
What is the technology?

Susu - if you publish the technology. Some of us could try and help.
Sorry, confused you

I mean that BCIS provide online status web service. We should use it correctly.

Originally posted by sb_tiger
Susu - if you publish the technology. Some of us could try and help.

I would suggest that you delete this post. If everybody were to download this and run this script then it will result in 1000's of hits on the INS website which might crash it. As we all know about INS's speed of doing things the site may reamins down for weeks.

Moreover this might be illegal !!!!!
I agreed with savant123456

Try to use online but use it correcly. Otherwise, hurt us....
It is no way to tell

As BCIS said on their website, online status only shows status but not personal details for security reason. So it is no way to tell that it is EB2 or EB3. You can only guess them based on the current processing time BCIS announced.

Your information was very useful.

Can I request you one more thing? Would you please check for all the I-140 Cases that were approved between 05-27-2003 till yesterday (06-03-2003) and with notice date EAC02225***** to EAC02296***.

This query will also show us whether they are also looking at 05/31/2003 EB-2 Cases.

Thanks in advance for your help and effort

Thanks for your reply,

I don't know record date but Notice date is September 28, 2002.

My case starts with EAC022965**** if that helps.

What I am really interested is that whether there EB2 approvals for the same period.

Thanks for your help
Re: Susu

kkulkar :

So your case is in September, 2002. The attached file includes all of the new approvals till June 2, 2003 (except yesterday).
Hi Susu,

Can you post your excel code or macro you used to get these results so that others can run for their own series?