Sept/Oct 2002 fillers


Registered Users (C)
Hi all,
does anybody of you have received FP notice?
If not what we should do to get FP notice?
I mean phone/fax/senitor. do you have all this
contact info?

Thank you
Just Sit Quietly and wait for your turn. I am a Oct 2002 Filer too and haven't received any finger prints yet. My lawyer and myself have asked for a FP but that was of no avail.
I don't have mine either.I faxed TSC many times and got no response.I will wait patiently as i have all those years until they start processing my ND, then i can do something.
I have sent a couple of faxes but nothing happened. I too am going to wait patiently. Since there are so many of us in the same boat and most already sending / have sent faxes, I hope the FP issue has been brought to TSC's notice. I plan to refrain from sending them further notices as I am afraid this may have adverse effect like withdrawal of the FAX service which can cause inconvenience to our fellow applicants who need this service for many other purposes. Instead I plan to keep pursuing this through my lawyer and have her create stir through AILA as it may have a greater pull.

It appears that TSC has been processing applications filed in 2001 and 2002 regardless of the RD. So even when they now display March 2004 as their current processing time for 485s actually are working on the entire 2002 year. In my company two guys who files exactly on the same date as mine (ND Nov. 2002) have both been approved. So I figure probably half the applications filed b/w March and Dec'02 have already been processed. So as soon as TSC begins another round of FP, the processing time should move very fast from March'02 to 2003.

At this time I think we should keep pursuing this issue through our lawyers and AILA. And keep each other posted on FP notices.
I got FP recently which is to be done Aug 20. I called, sent two faxes and also contacted congress man. Not sure they triggered it. Maybe the currently renewal of EAD had made it happen. Just do not know.


RD: 09/17/02

Hi GCnoFun,

How long did you wait to get FP notice after contacting senitor(s)? I faxed to TSC twice two weeks ago, sent letters to congressman and senitor four weeks ago. I got response from the senator and the congressman saying that they have handed in the request on behalf of me and they would contact me once there is any voice back from TSC. Till now I've received nothing. My RD/ND is november 2002, concurrent. Your reply may make me guess something unsure. Thanks,

I contacted Senators two months ago. But I do not think they helped. The only things I got are the letters that stating the process is long and I have to wait for my turn...

there are instances where people have been sent denail notices for expedieting requests. I would be a bit careful of faxes to tsc unless ur dates around march or april

tombaan said:
there are instances where people have been sent denail notices for expedieting requests. I would be a bit careful of faxes to tsc unless ur dates around march or april


Did you get a fp?? . If not did you try an enquiry??
yes i did

I faxed twice to the numbers provided here. I have not contacted senators while my lawyer says there is no way they can do anything on fp till the dates advance
so i will wait till it passes my date
Does anybody know what is fax number and what should be format of
the fax message?

Is it good idea to take appointment through INFOPASS?
If yes should I select "You have a question about your case" option or
"You wish to speak to an immigration officer" option

Thanks in advance
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i would do that only

if your dates are much behind the tsc dates. something like your october 02 I wouldnot advice going and using info pass