Sep RD non-frequent caller please call IIO to share your experience.


Registered Users (C)
Please do not just watch and greedily grab information for here. Please contribute your effort also.

If you are not a frequent caller, especiall you have never called, please call IIO to find out what is going on with your case.

Do you anything else other than bragging about your approval.
You seem so desperate about your approval. Just wait in the queue. Your anxiety leads to a RFE to prove that you are mentally
Cool off now :D
Re: Re

F***ing. People are working together to find out problems and solve problems. You f***ing stand-by greedy watchers interpret it as ANXIETY, FEARS for RFE.

Stupid low IQ brain with slow cells.

To those who are saying that i am afraid of interview/RFE:

I am not afraid of interview, RFE. I have a decent job which many people are jealous of. How many of your stupid slow-cell make $120K as permanent emlpoyee in a fortune 100 company in an area like NJ. How many of you can be an associate director in such a good and big company when you are 29. I do not want to show off. But these stupid jerks really pissed me off.

If you do not want to participate, keep watching while people with fast brain cells are working hard 'for' you moroon. Shame on your slow brain and low IQ.

Originally posted by Skandi3
Do you anything else other than bragging about your approval.
You seem so desperate about your approval. Just wait in the queue. Your anxiety leads to a RFE to prove that you are mentally
Cool off now :D
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You need some serious psychiatrist help. You seem to be loosing your mental balance, buddy!

"...permanent emlpoyee in a fortune 100 company in an area like NJ.."

just a joke:
Is it right to say fortune in this economy?:)

You may have been fortunate enough to find someone to offer you that salary. But considering the fact that people like habib are Industrial pharmacists in this country, you probably shouldnt let it go to your head.

If you were so intelligent how come you still havent realized that there is no point in calling the IIO? And you are stupid enough to suggest that others do the same!

Look... there are people who have a genuine need to call the IIO. Stop calling them for such useless reasons. Give chance to others. There is no point in calling IIOs!
Re: Re: Re

If your posts on this forum are any indication of your nature and behavior, then you seriously need some help and FAST!

Your impatience and self-proclaimed accomplishments do not put you in the category of "fast brain cells" and high IQ! Some people are wise enough to learn from others' mistakes and that may precisely be what some of the "slow brain cells" and low IQ people are doing as I write this ;)

And, hey, I know of this huge investment bank in NY whose employees say, "if you are not an assistant vice-president within two years of joining, you are probably a janitor!" So titles don't usually say a whole lot, my friend. At least, not in this fast paced world where fancy titles are just that: fancy titles!

Originally posted by ric2
F***ing. People are working together to find out problems and solve problems. You f***ing stand-by greedy watchers interpret it as ANXIETY, FEARS for RFE.

Stupid low IQ brain with slow cells.

To those who are saying that i am afraid of interview/RFE:

I am not afraid of interview, RFE. I have a decent job which many people are jealous of. How many of your stupid slow-cell make $120K as permanent emlpoyee in a fortune 100 company in an area like NJ. How many of you can be an associate director in such a good and big company when you are 29. I do not want to show off. But these stupid jerks really pissed me off.

If you do not want to participate, keep watching while people with fast brain cells are working hard 'for' you moroon. Shame on your slow brain and low IQ.

please dont show off


for heaven's sake stop bragging.

I do not post here regularly but your post has irked me so much that I need to say something.

120K in NJ is not much buddy. However much you make there are always people who make much more than you(and people who make less but are more satisfied and elead emotionally healthier lives.)

I really feel sorry for you.

Re: please dont show off


I said CLEARLY that I DO NOT WANT TO SHOW OFF in my message. All I said is to those people who misinterpret people who are actively working on problems and finding solutions as ANXIETTY, FAER FOR RFE.

Do you have problem understaning English??

By the way, I do not work for finanical company where fancy title is nothing.

I do not need your sorry. I think i am perfectly fine both physically and mentally.

Originally posted by schandrag

for heaven's sake stop bragging.

I do not post here regularly but your post has irked me so much that I need to say something.

120K in NJ is not much buddy. However much you make there are always people who make much more than you(and people who make less but are more satisfied and elead emotionally healthier lives.)

I really feel sorry for you.

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You may be drawing a 120k salary and a associate director.

Who cares?

Remember you are still in the GC queue!

You are not special to the INS/IRS?

There are people who have been wating for very very long time,
show some respect by NOT calling people with 4 letter names.
Anything you post reaches out to everyone there.

I don't mean any offense here...don't take it othewise...

why i feel sorry

1. Please read your own posts before you accuse others of not knowing english. your l posts are good examples of bad penmanship.
2. I make much more than you, though in a different field and the cost of living is lower
3. I am content and happy with my life. I know that calling the IIO will not hasten my case, whereas you seem to be in denial of this fact.
4. I am a psychiatrist and several people on this thread suggest that you need to see someone in my profession
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forgot some points

You have no concept of fast and slow brain cells. Do you even know how the brain functions and why some people are sharper than others?
I already identified several grammatical and syntax errors in your posts. Do you want me to point them out?
Congrats Ric2

You are moving up on this board very fast.

Soon you might pass even Habib.

I wonder what fun it would be if we did not have smart people like you on this board.

Keep it up buddy, you sure can make this board worth visiting.

:p :p :D
Re: why i feel sorry


What's wrong with you? I do not want to argue with you about who makes more. I just want to prove that I am not worry about interview/RFE as some jerks claimed.

Even though you understand some English, you seem to have problem figuring out the logic as a whole.

I guess you need to exam yourself first if you are indeed a psychiatrist. How come you haven't obtained a gc yet. Maybe you are relying on your wife to provide you with immigration support while you take USMLE step1-step3 plus Clinical Assessment Skill test? Maybe you still reply on your wife to finish 3-4 years residency? The what are you proud of?

I know how much a psychiatrist makes. Physician here works like "independent consultant" in other fields. It is nothing if you make $200K as independent consultant or as a self-employed physician. Do not get so excited!

I am seriously doubt that you are indeed a physician. If YES, you are likely to be 40 years old or something. Actually, the stuff you are doing is what I did 6 years ago.

Originally posted by schandrag
1. Please read your own posts before you accuse others of not knowing english(why do you use an upper case E, is it a proper noun?).Also please read over your original post a good example of bad penmanship.
2. I make much more than you, though in a different field and the cost of living is lower
3. I am content and happy with my life. I know that calling the IIO will not hasten my case, whereas you seem to be in denial of this fact.
4. I am a psychiatrist and several people on this thread suggest that you need to see someone in my profession
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I also called IIO

Same stuff , she said, we r processing till 9/1, so...... get lost.

On Ric2, I do not picture him in such a bad light, he is just being overly obsessed and impatient. Honestly, it's a race against time for all of us in this bad economy, all of us are frustrated, why blame him.
x30... a fat lot of good that'll do to you!

Dont you guys ever learn.

All you can do is... "we'll do that... we'll do this..."

You never do crap! You know why others dont do it? cuz they know its futile.

Who gives a damn about an immigration email?
This was an interesting thread to read ....

The love you guys share through the messages you write to each other brings tears of joy in my eyes :)

Keep up with the good work guys !!

I could say a lot. However, summing it all up....

Ric2, no matter what you meant to say and why, you have a serious attitude problem and you are a disrespectful person.
email ????

i don't think INS will speed up things by just seeing a email. I think its a waste of time.
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