Sep RD approval


Registered Users (C)
One Sep RD get approved. Check Service Center:Vermont board.

All Sep RD applicants, please check AVM too.

There are people in May, June and July still waiting.
Ric, have some patience, think of those poor guys waiting
ric do not get ungry...

I am in THE SAME boat but INS goes by their RD which is:

INS\'s RD = your ND

It means in my case RD 09/04, ND 11/06 and INS will process my case when they reach 11/06 (their RD)
I really want to wrong - believe me.
Take care.

Believe what you may. It doesn\'t change anything the way INS processes applications. The people who advised you that INS goes according to the date on AVM seem to know what they are talking about. It is more in line with the approvals we\'ve seen so far. For further clarification, see what your EAC number is. If it is EAC-02-xxx-xxxxx, then you most likely have a November case.
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You have your facts wrong. If you look at VSC processing times report they give the initial receipt date they are processing for which is RD and not ND. Hence RIC is a Sept filer although his ND is in November. My RD is 9/15 and I am in the same boat as RIC.
Don\'t believe the posting - the guy is faking it or he would have posted complete details in that m
