Sep 7 Approval in GArden City, Praise God


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Today I had my interview at Garden City in NY for 9:eek:o am. We got there at around 9:15 am, we did not anticipate such heavy traffic. Anyway we went through the metal detectors then were asked to stand in line at window one where I gave my appoinment notice. I was then instructed to have a seat in the back. I noticed alot of other couples were also seated in the back and they also appeared to be carrying photo albums and folders. In around 10 min an officer came out and called a list of name, my anme was not amongst that list. Then about 15 minutes after my name was called amongst the second list and the group was escorted upstairs on the second floor. Another 20 minutes or so passed then a lady came and called out my name and we were led to her office. It was funny because she entered one door and then instructed us to enter through another door so me and my husband thought we were entering a seperate room from her but it was actually the same room so we started laughing. Anyway, we were sworn in and she first asked if she pronounced my name correctly, I said yes. She asked for our id's, I gave her both passports, the one with my expired visa and I94 was expired so I also had a renewed one and my husband submitted his driver's lisence. Then she asked me for the address, I answered, then she asked if there is an apartment number then I included it. All this time she is looking at the forms we submitted and confirming our answers. She then asked my husband my birthdate, I was so shocked when he started to stammer, his birthday is a week after mine plus my birthdate and his bestfriend's birthdate run on the same day so why is he stammering. Well he got the year wrong so the officer asked me what is my correct year and I told her. I looked at my husband and smiled so I think the officer was noting all of this.

Next she started going through the support files. My husband does not work so she was asking him how old he is and how come he never worked. So he explained that he is in school and he does work off the books. She asked him why does he work off the books. He told her because he works with his uncle.I was upset that was not something we talked about mentioning. Well the officer commented on how the Affidavit of support form wad filled out wrong and she got frustrated. I told her I filled it out and I filled it out according to my understnading of the instructions. She asked who we lived with I told her my Aunt who is my joint sponsor, she said that on the form I included 2 aditonal individuals as being supported by my husband when in reality my Aunt is supporting us. I tried to explain to her that the form asked to include all member of your household related to you either by birth or marriage ..... so thats why I put 3. She seemed upset by that. Then she looked at my Aunt's support document and then asked who that person was, I told her my aunt. She asked for recent paystubs or a job letter, I gave her the jobletter. She then asked if I worked I told her no. She then asked if we have any accounts together so I gave her copies of our joint savings and checkings as well as a photo copy of the cards. I also gave her statements of our joint credit cards. So now she asked me again if I dont work I said no( I was thinking she just asked me this). Then she threw in to my husband how does he support himself and me so then he answered now my Aunt is the one who supports us as well as other family.I then showed her copies of his insurance policy because all his documents come to my email address, she said insurance for what? So my husband said for his car,She resopnded how you have a car and you dont work, He said I have two and I work off the books at my Uncles business. In my mind I am thinking "ohh my God this lady is going to deny me for sure". Then she asked me where we got married I responded downtown brookling in the municipal building. She asked if we had a reception or a party after, I told her we went out to eat at a diner. She asked if either of our parents were there? I told her no they weren't. She asked why not we expalined that his mother had to work and so did my aunt but his cousin's her in attendance and then I showed her the pictures. She looked through our album then she asked to take one of our wedding pics. She also asked if we had any kids no, none outside nor together but then my husband rubbed my stomache and said not yet. We all laughed at that. She also asked the criminal and public assistance and the others froom that list of questions to which I answered no to all. he asked my husband where did we first meet and we went on to give her the details of that first meeting, We showed her the gifts to each other for our birthdays she smiled at that and I tried to show her receipts fo gifts to each other but she was not interested in that. I had also mentioned to her that I had phone records of our conversations from when we first started talking she said ohh let me see, but whern she saw the stack she was like no bother it is too much.So then my husband askes what do we do now after this? She answered you can either wait to have to passport stamped or just wait for the card in the mail. I could not belive we got approved. The way this lady was acting I thought that was it for me. Of course I decided to wait for that stamp. She then told us to go downstairs to wait for the stamp, She said it would take about an hour so we can go and get something to eat if we wanted to. That was exactly what we did. We went to the Mall and hung out for about an hour then came back and waited for my name to be called. After about 30 minutes this guy called my name and he said to us that he had called my name earlier, we told him we went to eat. He tehn told me about filing to remove my conditions and he showed me the stamp and that was it.

To conclude I carried so many documents and in the end all she took from me was the credit card statements, bank letter and bank statements and the picture and jobletter. The interview wasabout 30 minutes total. The lady was about in her 40's and she had a low cut hair I think her name was o'Flairent or something like that.

I would like to thank everyone that answered my questions and encourage everyone to be honest at your interviews because the officer's are not stupid. Thank you.
Glad to hear that things went well. Good luck in your new life without at least your immigration worries.
TSNbagman I had my interview yesterday at 8am in Garden City too, the officer went through our file and asked us only about when I met my wife and children of previous marriage. She was kind of nasty because my wife who is a USC doesn't speak english that good, she was upset for that. She held her US passport and told her that it means that she should speak english. Anyways at the end of the interview she kept a copy of my 2004 trancript, lease, and took a picture from our photo album. Then ask for my passport and wrote pending under law 245, signed it and dated it. She didn't say anything to us. I didn't ask her anything because of her attitude so I asked my lawyer once we got out and said wait for something in the mail whether approval or 2nd interview.