Sent RFE reply a month and half back - AVM not updated


Registered Users (C)

I got RFE from NSC end of May and I replied for that in second week of June. I think it reached INS on June 12th (according tracking info).

However, still the AVM says that they sent RFE on May 14th. Did this happen to anyone? What should we do in such cases. I see that lot of people who sent RFE documents much later me are getting approved.

My details:

PD : Aug\'98
ND : Sep\'99
RD : Oct\'99
FP : Nov\'00
RFE : May\'01
RFE sent : Jun\'01

Approval : God knows when...

I did call INS


I forgot to mention that I did call INS a couple of times. First time they said that it may be in file room and may take some time. I called again in 2 weeks and they said the same thing. Talked to IIO.

Talk to Local Congressman or Senator

They should be able to help you out soon. Seems lot of people who are waiting long have gotten help pretty quickly that way.
I am in the same boat

I sent reply to RFE received for my wife on July 10th and INS received it on July 11th. But AVM still stays RFE was mailed on June 13th.....

I called INS and talked to IIO and was told that RFE might be in the mail room and it takes time to get RFE from mail room to the Officer. I should wait for some more time.

SAME problem

I also have same problem.AVM never got updated.We have replied ref on JULY 4th and AVM STILL SAY"S .."we have maild ref on june 10th and 14days...." .


I have sent my response to RFE dated May 14th on June 14th. AVM says RFE received on June 19th. It\'s been close to 6 weeks and still waiting for the approval
Same here

Same here... Even more confusing, I already received my RFE since Jan-Feb01.. and replied back.. but the AVM never mentioned anything regarding the RFE.. It still says "Your application to adjust status was received on.....". Any advice???
Same Here

We had sent the RFE for my wife on 23rd July-01. Reached to INS on 24th July-01 as per the tracking no. But AVM still says that they had sent the RFE .....".

I send my wife\'s RFE (Medical) response on july 18th and the AVM still
"On June 7th we sent blah blah....". Seems to me that we all are in the same boat. Let us update as and when we have some development on this issue...
info from IIO

I just talked to a nice lady IIO.

Here are our conversation.

Q: I sent RFE response on 7/9. Why does AVM still same "on 6/30, we sent RFE ..." ? Have you received it ?

A: No, it is not in system yet. We have not received it.

Q: But my attorney told me the mailing tracker shows INS received it on 7/11. It is probably in your mailing room.

A: If that is the case, it must be in here. Right now we are experience big frontlog problem. We are trying hard to solve it.

Q: Why people sending RFE response mail after me got approval already ?

A: It all depends. There is no order/priority on receiving date. Any thing can happen. Again, we are trying solve it right now.

Q: How long have you got this problem ?

A: about 1 month and half.

Q: Can you make a note and let them try to find my mail ?

A: Nobody can do that. What I can do for you is to write a note in your file and tell the officer your case is with that you already replied this RFE, but by some mailing-room reason the response has not been transfered to your file. Then your case can not be denied.
That is all what I can do now.

Q: Well, I think it is good enough. Thank you very much.

A: bye.

After this conversation, I talked to my lawyer about this. He said the only thing we can do is to continue waiting. :-(
Booo hooo hoo....


I initiated this thread saying that I sent RFE reply back and AVM was not still updated. I later contacted Senator Smith\'s office in Portland. They sent an enquiry and said that INS said that documents receipt was logged in on July 17th.

Well, today AVM says this case has been approved on July 31st. It was a long wait for me. I wish speedy process and good luck for everyone still waiting.

This has been a great site to share the pain :)

question for Sudhakar

Congratulations !

Questions here:

1. When did you contact Senator ? before or after July 17th ? In other words, your file was moved because of Senator\'s help or it happened already when Senator asked INS ?

My lawyer usually calls Congressman if something unual happens. But since my RFE response was submitted less than 1 month ago, he said he would not do anything for now.:-(

2. How is AVM changed ? Did you ever hear "we received your RFE response on ..." ? I doubt it may directly change from "on xx/yy we sent you RFE ..." to "your case has been approval..".
to alwayspositive


1. I contacted the senator on 18th of July. Senator\'s office sent a reply back to me on July 24th. I think it helped because I contacted the senator\'s office. I personally think they have back dated it after Senator\'s office contacted them though there is no proof as such.

2. The AVM directly changed to "This case has been approved on...". It never changed to "we received RFE response on...".

Hope that helps. Please feel free to send me an email to if you have more questions or post it here.

more questions


When you contacted Senator office, what did you say to them ? Did they ask any document from you or just your LIN# ?

I want to have a try also, but never had experience with them.


When I talked to them I just said that it is taking too long and I need some help. Then they just asked me to send a letter. I wrote it in a format that I could think of, just listing all the dates of events and LIN numbers of I-485(s). They did not ask for any more info.

No Title

Guys, Any new updates to this discussion in the recent past. I am still waiting for the INS to open my RFE response which I sent on July 18th
Mine was approved already

Even though AVM never reflected they received it, it was changed "your case has been approved" directly at the end.

I believe their AVM system has some problem.