sending RFE response to INS


Registered Users (C)

does anyone know what\'s the fastest way to send the RFE response back to INS. Also, does the AVM change once they receive the response?

i recently know that i have got an RFE for my son\'s photographs. my attorney hasn\'t recd. the notice yet.

pd 9/97, EB3 India
rd/nd oct 99

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I\'m not sure but I guess Fedex overnite shud be the fastest. Yes the message does change once they recieve it but it could take more than a week from the time you send it for the message to change.
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I can answer a part of your question, in my case AVM changed on April 20, 2001
RFE sent by INS on April 6, rec\'d by me on April 9, replied on April 11
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S.S. Reddy,

Any info. on your case... Yours & mine are almost similar ...

PD-Oct 98, EB-2 India(Current), RD - Sep20, 99, ND - OCt 1, 99

RFE for emp letter , Msg updated on Apr 18 that they received it.

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No, not yet. checked the AVM last night. Our files could be with the same person. Reason - same RFE ( only emp. letter and RFE issued around the same time)