Sending Additional Documentation


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I had my interview at Florida about 3 weeks ago. In the past 5 years I have taken 2 long trips. The IO wanted proof that I did not abandon my residence. During 1 of those trips I actually moved out of the apartment to save on rent and moved my stuff to storage. I showed him my bank statements, lease, car insurance etc. He went out talked to the supervisor came back and took photocopies of those documents.

Another thing he wanted to know was about my child who is now 18+ but who stays with my ex-wife. I am single and got divorced about 8 years ago in India. Wife/child never came to US. He wanted to prove that I did not owe any child support. I showed him the divorce decree which shows divorce by mutual consent but the decree does not mention anything about the child. He wanted some document that said that no child support was owed. I said thats all I have but he said I think I will need some documentation that shows that no child support is owed. I said how am I gonna get that?

Any case he then asked me to sign some papers, photographs etc. made several entries in the computer and said that I will be getting a letter. He said I am giving you a heads up--keep the document (about no back child support) ready so you can send it when you get the letter. I asked when will I get the letter and he said not for at least 2 weeks because thats not in my hand. I said that my divorce docs are back in India and I will ask my folks to look if any such document exists.

I was then handed the form that says you have passed civic test and No determination can be made about your application at this time.

Next day I called my folks back home in India and they looked through the documents and we did find the Divorce Judgment that clearly states that all claims between us including maintenance of the child and alimony had been settled and nothing was outstanding. That document was scanned/emailed to me and I have printed it out.

My question is: It has been 3 weeks since the interview but I haven’t as yet received any letters. Should I send the Divorce Judgment to the IO by mail? Should I mark it to the attention of the IO who interviewed me? Or should I just wait for the letter to arrive by mail?

Also what is the process after the interview? Does the file go to some supervisor or committee? Is it possible that I will just get the oath letter or perhaps they will ask for the additional documentation? Or what? What am I supposed to do?

Thanks in advance for your help.

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I had my interview at Florida about 3 weeks ago. In the past 5 years I have taken 2 long trips. The IO wanted proof that I did not abandon my residence. During 1 of those trips I actually moved out of the apartment to save on rent and moved my stuff to storage. I showed him my bank statements, lease, car insurance etc. He went out talked to the supervisor came back and took photocopies of those documents.

Another thing he wanted to know was about my child who is now 18+ but who stays with my ex-wife. I am single and got divorced about 8 years ago in India. Wife/child never came to US. He wanted to prove that I did not owe any child support. I showed him the divorce decree which shows divorce by mutual consent but the decree does not mention anything about the child. He wanted some document that said that no child support was owed. I said thats all I have but he said I think I will need some documentation that shows that no child support is owed. I said how am I gonna get that?

Any case he then asked me to sign some papers, photographs etc. made several entries in the computer and said that I will be getting a letter. He said I am giving you a heads up--keep the document (about no back child support) ready so you can send it when you get the letter. I asked when will I get the letter and he said not for at least 2 weeks because thats not in my hand. I said that my divorce docs are back in India and I will ask my folks to look if any such document exists.

I was then handed the form that says you have passed civic test and No determination can be made about your application at this time.

Next day I called my folks back home in India and they looked through the documents and we did find the Divorce Judgment that clearly states that all claims between us including maintenance of the child and alimony had been settled and nothing was outstanding. That document was scanned/emailed to me and I have printed it out.

My question is: It has been 3 weeks since the interview but I haven’t as yet received any letters.
Should I send the Divorce Judgment to the IO by mail?
--------------you can with certified return reciept.

Should I mark it to the attention of the IO who interviewed me?
Or should I just wait for the letter to arrive by mail?
------You can
Also what is the process after the interview?
Does the file go to some supervisor
------------------Many officers take the file to supervisor if the case has some problems or document missing or need approval of supervisor. Many-experienced officer approve the case immediately if one pass the interview

or committee?

Is it possible that I will just get the oath letter or perhaps they will ask for the additional documentation? Or what? What am I supposed to do?

Thanks in advance for your help.


Get the original documents + Copy of documents notarized in India. Send the Copy to IO who interviewed. Write your Name, A#, case number, date of Interview , your address,Signature,date on cover letter and Explain that you were requested to send the documents.
OR take infopass and submit the documents to IO
OR wait for letter then send the documents. They may ask for original documents .
Yes. 10 months and 5 months--although the 10 months trip was in the 5th year past. I must say I was grilled on that and my interview lasted an hour. Although the IO appeared nice and helpful but tough.
I am planning to get an infopass and handover the documentation. I will prepare a covering letter and attach the document and personally hand it over.

My Question is: When you make infopass--do you get to talk to the same IO who inerviewed you? Or will it be someone else?

Can someone please explain what the infopass process is? Do you get to meet the IO? Is it the same IO who handles your case or it can be anyone? Is it like the interview i.e he/she takes you to his room and opens the file and talks to you--or is it that someone talks to you at the counter and answers your questions in a general way? Thanks
When they pull the file, they know who the IO was, if you can't talk to him/her, try to talk to the supervisor.
What is the residence address that you had specified in the N400 form, since you mentioned that you moved out of the apartment and put things in the storage, during the 5-month and 10-month trips that you had taken outside USA?

Please let me know.

Thanks and Good Luck!
for the 5 month trip I mentioned the US address and for 10 month I mentioned India address. But he wanted to know the US address prior to my 10 month trip and he wrote it down with pen. Perhaps giving the US address -- where you received your mail is a better thing to do I think.
This forum has been very helpful so let me contribute with my experience:

1) if You are divorced you must have some documents proving that you do not owe any child support. In this counyty they are very particular about that. In my case I found that the divorce judgement clearly mentioned that all disputes between us had been settled and nothing was owed to either party. I did not care to send or take this document the first time around and thats why my case got delayed. I just sent my dicorce decree whereas I should have sent the divorce judgement as well.

The IO indicated that I would be getting a letter and keep any documents handy if the letter asked for. I waited for 3/4 weeks and not receiving any letters -- I ended up sending the documents anyway -- marked to the IO. My case finally got approved about 6 weeks after I sent the documents.

2) keep utility bills for the long trips that you took. They would want to see them for your time away from US -- to make sure you did not abandon residence.

3) Take an info pass if you havent heard from them in a while. Sometimes that may cause a trigger. My frends case was pending for 2/3 years. FInally he took an infopass. When he reached there he was told your Oath is next week and we sent you a letter. Looks like his file was gathering dust in some forgotten corner until the Info-Pass trigerred a search for it.

4) Some Officers are extremely helpful. In fact I found most people who work there are extremely supportful and want to help you in all possible ways. However they HAVE to follow the rules.

5) For every horror story here there are probably 5 pleasant ones which never get reported. In my office there have been several people who got their citizenship in 4-5 months, same day oath and everything went way too cool.
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