send email to your friends, ask them to join this movement


Registered Users (C)
copy and paste below and send to all GC applicant friends you know.. :)

subject: FW:GC Applicants

this is for people waiting for their GC, affected by Retrogression
guys in case you do not know about

you can interact with other people at this forum:

particularly this sub-forum:

there are some bills pending in senate which can affect (positively) our cause, you can actively participate by sending fax (it takes just 5 minutes to become member an send fax)

please forward to all people you know who are waiting for their GC.

please excuse me if you are not interested in this email.

Corporate Fax Drive

Corporate Fax Drive


Dear all,

As we are already into the house/senate debate, every effort that
each of us takes will be critical to the outcome of this debate and
subsequent reconciliation/voting process.

We know that in additon to us (as individuals) approaching the
congressmen/senators, push by corporate is equally or more important.
Please note that Corporate America will benefit from a positive
outcome of this bill. 'Corporate America' is the key to the positive
outcome of this proceeding in the Congress.

So, We urge all of you to do the following:
1) join the following:

2) Letter Template and the congressmen list have been posted on the site and the yahoogroups files section. Please
download these letters and take them to your Corporate HR, explain to
them the proceedings in the congress with regards to
tbe bill, convince them to sign the documents. Take the initiative to
fax them on the company's behalf by faxing them through your
corporate fax machine, until we get the feature on

Please post if you have any questions with regards to this
posting. 'Corporate America' is the key to the positive outcome of
this proceeding in the Congress



PS: There are 2 files in the 'files' section within the yahoogroups:
File 1: Corporate.Doc/Corporate.pdf (Letter Template)
File 2: Lawmakersgrades.xls (List of congressmen, grading and fax
#s).. This will help you identify which senators to send the fax to,
and their fax #s.

As far as the corporate is concerned, please send the fax only to the
senators/congressmen of the state where the corporate is based or has
Reply from Utah congressman Chris Cannon

I've faxed, called, e-mailed, web-faxed to all 3 congressmean and 2 seantors of Utah state. This is the e-mail reply i received from Utah congressman Chris Cannon today. In all forms of my communication, eventhough i stressed the EB visa retrogression issue (like waiting for green cards for more than 5 years), somehow his reply has more info about his support for H1-B visa cap increase. I will call and e-mail him again to stress the importance of EB visa retrogression issue.

Please, please fax, call, e-mail to your state congressmen and senators. This is working. Work hard to achieve our goals. This IS the time to act.

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Thank you for contacting me about proposed increases in the number of persons who can be admitted to the United States under temporary H-1B work visas. I appreciate your opinion on this issue.

Many of the top 100 companies using workers with H-1B visas are located in Utah. A number of them have told me of significant shortages of workers in the specialized employee categories open to such workers. The hi-tech industry is vital to our continued economic recovery and prosperity, both locally and nationwide. An estimated four jobs are created in sales, manufacturing and other sectors of the economy from each engineering job filled through the H-1B visa program. For these reasons, I will support an increase in the H-1B cap.

A proposal providing for an increase in the number of these visas has been included in the Senate Judiciary Committee deficit reduction package. The Senate bill would increase the number of visas by as many as 30,000 a year by making available previously unused visas. I am pleased with the step that the Senate has taken and am hopeful that as the House of Representatives addresses the issue, it can include similar support for an increase in the number of H-1B visas. Rest assured, I will work to ensure that the visa problem is adequately addressed and the needs of Utahns are met.

Once again, thank you for telling me of your concerns. I look forward to hearing from you again.

Warmest regards,

Chris Cannon

Member of Congress

I cannot guarantee the integrity of the text of this letter if it was not sent to you directly from my Congressional Email Account. If you have any questions about the validity of this message, please email me at: or call my Washington, DC office at: (202) 225-7751.

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