senator's reply

Is the representation restricted to specific counties?
That was my original question.
Each state has two or more senators, and I know the state where I live.
forum, how can I know. Did you do 2nd FP?

I can't tell if officer touched your case before 2nd fp or after since you have the congressional intervention. Same to my case. Now I can't tell
when my case will be approved. But something to comfort you, I think starting from Oct, BCIS will focus on 485, and then our cases will be approved in a much faster speed.


No that is what I wrote earlier that the response which I received from BCIS stated that my FP have expired and I was sent a FP redo notice [which I have not received to data and neither did my lawyers office so this comforts me that it is a BCIS screw up as I had changed my apartment recently in last month] and I should redo the FP so that they can process my application.

The response from BCIS was very positive but it is almost more than a month and I have not received any 2 FP notice so far, called customer service as usual the same crap that they are submitting the inquiry and will hear from them in 3-4 weeks.

Called Mr. Corzine's office again and they told me that I should get notice in 4-6 weeks.

One more question when I changed my place I mailed the AR-11 plus I also called BCIS for the same, it is almost 7 weeks now but I have not received any address change confirmation from BCIS is this Normal?
Don't believe BCIS has sent you the notice. I don't. I think the main reason why so many people are waiting is because BCIS DIDN't send out notices for us. You can see from the board that many beneficary applicants didn't received 2nd fp notices, sometimes primary applicants. And I'm sure your lawyer should get a copy if they DID send you a notice. The problem is they DIDN'T. That's why all of us are still waiting.

It's a deadlock. BCIS is waiting for your second FP, you're waiting for 2nd FP notice. Shame on them.
Yes that is the fact, I was just worried that my move messed up the 2 FP, but I called my lawyer and they didn't get anything then I was confident that it is BCIS error.

One good thing that they did send the same written response copy 'CC' to my lawyers office also atelast they have that much process working.

DO you have any sugegstions about not getting the Address confiirmation from BCIS so far???
forum, I've never changed my address, don't know much about it. I heard you can verify address with
NCSC? but since that service is crap, probably you have to ask your senator to verify. So much inconvenience, all because of the NCSC!
After how many months passed your recvd date it is best to contact the congressmen. FP expired almost 2 months, no 2nd FP or RFE.

Can you tell if my 2nd FP was generated by automated system or an adjudicating officer.

I was told by BCIS VSC people in 3rd week of March that my case was assigned to some officer.

I contacted Sen. Corzine's office (3rd week of April) a week before my FP expiration. They said that BCIS needed another 60-90 days. My FP expired on 5/1/03 and I received 2nd FP notice some where on May 25 or around (it was issued in Mid May). I did my FP in mid June and message was updated for me. However, my wife did the 2nd FP with me but her message stays the same old.

Then I contacted Sen. Corzines office a month ago and asked them to ask BCIS for reasons for the delay in my case. They contacted BCIS and sent me a letter telling me that my case was delayed due to routine security checks which had now been completed and my case was with an adjudications officer and I should hear something in 30-45 days.

Today, almost 25 days have passed and havn't heard anything so far.

My RD and ND are the same as Forum123.

Again, dengdeng, what does your observation says about the 2nd FP notice? and what is the difference if it was generated by some adjudications officer?

deng deng what can I do except waiting ....I cant get ans from ncsc nor attorney know something & senator is asking me to wait & they r adament about it what do u think I can do u have any suggetion
a quick question

Could you guys please tell me if we have to attach copies of any INS/BCIS documents such as receipt notice. RFE etc when we fill out and send the Congressional case worksheet form from a Senator's office?

Thanks in advance.
OCTRD2001, I think you just wait patiently. I think your case will be approved in the near future. They will heavily work on 485 case since Oct. But I think you have a chance to get approved in Sep.

You do nothing.

Ramprak: I have already suggested you to talk to Senator again, asking them if they can send you 2nd FP notice. Only them can contact VSC. That's the only way.
I remember reading that the terrorist database is handled by the State Department before BCIS came into being and I don't know if control for that database transferred to Home land security Dept. It could probably still be the State department that runs the security name check still, don't know..