Senate to Vote TODAY on Bill Eliminating Caps for Asylees and Parolees


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Senate to Vote TODAY on Bill Eliminating Caps for Asylees and Parolees


These caps were enacted at different times during the past two decades, serve no public policy purpose and create needless hardship for thousands of individuals who legally reside in the U.S. and are eager to start on the path towards full integration and citizenship. These caps do not limit the individuals who can enter the United States but create barriers for immigrants with legal status in the United States.

Because of arbitrary caps, asylees who apply now to become permanent residents of the United States face a 15-year wait. A 10,000 annual cap on asylee adjustment has created a waiting list of approximately 150,000 individuals who live in the United States – all of whom U.S. authorities have already determined to be bona fide refugees – who are unable to fully integrate into American society and reunite with close family members. In total, because of the annual cap and other waiting periods, an individual granted asylum today cannot become a U.S. citizen for approximately 20 years.

Senator Brownback (R-KS) is going to offer a floor amendment to the Foreign Operations bill (S. 2812) TODAY. Please contact your Senators immediately and urge them to support the Brownback amendment that will eliminate the numerical caps preventing asylees from becoming permanent residents and assimilating into the United States. The amendment would eliminate the following caps, neither of which serve a legitimate public purpose: 1) the annual cap on the number of asylees (10,000) authorized to adjust their status to permanent resident, resulting in 20-year backlogs; and 2) the annual cap on the number of individuals (1,000) eligible for asylum on the basis of Coercive Population Control, resulting in 27-year backlogs.

PLEASE CONTACT YOUR SENATORS NOW!! Call the Capitol switchboard at 202-225-3121 and ask to be connected to your Senator's office AND/OR click on the following link and send a pre-drafted e-mail letter to your Senators.
I did it last night.

Take actions, please. Bring your friends and relatives to support this issue. It is very critical for our asylees.
What is the status of the Senate's vote? I couldn't be able to find any information on this important vote. Your feed back is appreciated.
There are whole lot of amendments on the HR 4818 bill, but the asylee caps issue does not make it there. This must be a joke.
This is not a joke. It is the real life. Few people in congress will care us. I believe this issue even had not been discussed yesterday.
The bill is not about immigration. I wish the adjustment of asylees can be faster by any way; but it just doesn't make sense to put an amendment on this bill.


Senator Brownback did not offer his amendment to the Foreign
Operations appropriations bill last night because if he offered the
amendment Senators Chambliss, Cornryn, Hatch, Kyl, Sessions, and
Grassley would have offered an amendment that included many
provisions that were extremely harmful to asylum-seekers and
refugees. We were not made aware of the amendment until late yesterday
afternoon. Because of the short time we could not
guarantee that we could kill the Chambliss amendment in conference
if it passed. Bottom line-the risk was simply too great and so we asked
Brownback to not offer his amendment, and so, Chambliss pulled
his amendment.

If we had more time for a positive count for defeating the Chambliss
amendment between becoming aware of the amendment and the Foreign
Operations Appropriations bill coming to the floor last night we
would have went forward with the amendment. If Foreign Ops would
have been delayed until next week we would have worked to get the
Brownback amendment passed. In the end, while we would all welcome ending
the caps, without having a clear sense of our ability to kill
the Chambliss amendment, the cost was far too high, the risk too

This is very, very unfortunate and we are sorry that we could not
get this language included as an amendment. We know the caps are a
source of enormous frustration to many of you, especially to
asylees. Thanks to so many of you who have done so many wonderful
things over the last couple weeks. (It would be nice to thank Hannah
Royal (Brownback), Janice Kaguyutan (Kennedy), and Tim Reiser
(Leahy) for their very, very hard work on this amendment).

Of course, this is not the last word on ending the caps. We will
schedule a meeting of the caps taskforce next week to de-brief, re-
group and strategize on moving our efforts forward.

Thanks again to everyone for working so hard on the Brownback
asluser said:
Greate news! Cchong, where did you get it?


I don't know what is so great about it.

I received this update from someone. It is coming from the same source of my original posting. I believe it is reliable because I received the update of the alert action before posted the same message.
I guess we now know who is actually doing damage thing to asylees.

Chambliss (R-GA), Cornryn (R-TX), Hatch (R-UT), Kyl (R-AZ), Sessions (R-AL), and Grassley (R-IA).

Hope the asylees caps will be lifted soon.
cchong said:
I guess we now know who is actually doing damage thing to asylees.

Chambliss (R-GA), Cornryn (R-TX), Hatch (R-UT), Kyl (R-AZ), Sessions (R-AL), and Grassley (R-IA).

Hope the asylees caps will be lifted soon.

Do we need to send the AILA message to them by our asylees? Hope to give them some positive influnce. Anyway, these guys may affect our future.
asluser said:
Do we need to send the AILA message to them by our asylees? Hope to give them some positive influnce. Anyway, these guys may affect our future.


I don't know where you are located. If you live in one of those states, you can email them. This is up to you. If you want to send an email to the senators, it will not be the same email contain from AILA.

I personally think it is a waste of your time by sending out email to them. Remember, you do not need everybody support. You just need enough votes supporting the elimination of asylees caps from both houses. And the President will sign it.

It will definately help if we all write an email or letter to our senators to express our concerns.
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cchong said:

I don't know where you are located. If you live in one of those states, you can email them. This is up to you. If you want to send an email to the senators, it will not be the same email contain from AILA.

I personally think it is a waste of your time by sending out email to them. Remember, you do not need everybody support. You just need enough votes supporting the elimination of asylees caps from both houses. And the President will sign it.

It will definately help if we all write an email or letter to our senators to express our concerns.

If I can do something helpful for the bill, I will absolutely do it. But I do not come from the states.

If depending on the resident states, I do not believe the asylee visitors of this forum will cover all states. Is it posible to write a email letter with the name of this forum and send to all senators and congress member?
cchong said:

Senator Brownback did not offer his amendment to the Foreign
Operations appropriations bill last night because if he offered the
amendment Senators Chambliss, Cornryn, Hatch, Kyl, Sessions, and
Grassley would have offered an amendment that included many
provisions that were extremely harmful to asylum-seekers and
refugees. We were not made aware of the amendment until late yesterday
afternoon. Because of the short time we could not
guarantee that we could kill the Chambliss amendment in conference
if it passed. Bottom line-the risk was simply too great and so we asked
Brownback to not offer his amendment, and so, Chambliss pulled
his amendment.

If we had more time for a positive count for defeating the Chambliss
amendment between becoming aware of the amendment and the Foreign
Operations Appropriations bill coming to the floor last night we
would have went forward with the amendment. If Foreign Ops would
have been delayed until next week we would have worked to get the
Brownback amendment passed. In the end, while we would all welcome ending
the caps, without having a clear sense of our ability to kill
the Chambliss amendment, the cost was far too high, the risk too

This is very, very unfortunate and we are sorry that we could not
get this language included as an amendment. We know the caps are a
source of enormous frustration to many of you, especially to
asylees. Thanks to so many of you who have done so many wonderful
things over the last couple weeks. (It would be nice to thank Hannah
Royal (Brownback), Janice Kaguyutan (Kennedy), and Tim Reiser
(Leahy) for their very, very hard work on this amendment).

Of course, this is not the last word on ending the caps. We will
schedule a meeting of the caps taskforce next week to de-brief, re-
group and strategize on moving our efforts forward.

Thanks again to everyone for working so hard on the Brownback
Guess what! all the scum bags who did that are racist Republicans. I do not want to hear again about any asylee who is a republican. Can not you see how xenophobic these scums are.
shamshon said:
Guess what! all the scum bags who did that are racist Republicans. I do not want to hear again about any asylee who is a republican. Can not you see how xenophobic these scums are.


You have been a great contributor to this forum and you are no stranger to this forum of your openess of your political party. I just hope we do not start a writing campaign that accusing each other.

I really don't care if someone is a repubican or democrat. There are some good and bad people on both parties. We just need to identify the bad one individually and hopefully we can do something to persuade our relatives, friends, etc who have the power to vote these people out of the office.
AILA news

Asylee Cap Amendment Not Introduced in Senate

Senator Brownback did not offer the much anticipated asylee cap amendment to the Foreign Operations bill yesterday. Senators Chambliss, Cornyn, Hatch, Kyl, Sessions, and Grassley threatened to introduce a substitute amendment containing a variety of troubling provisions that made it too risky for Senator Brownback to proceed. Drawing largely from a bill dubiously titled the Fairness in Immigration Litigation Act, the Chambliss et. al. amendment would have eliminated grants of asylum when the persecution was on account of mixed motives, would have heightened the burden of proof for asylum applicants, and would have reduced the window of time to file asylum applications after arrival in the U.S. from 1 year to 90 days.

The unnecessary blockage of this bill comes as a great disappointment to the immigrant community since the numerical caps serve no purpose other than to prevent the assimilation of lawfully present individuals. AILA and its numerous coalition partners applaud Mr. Brownback for his leadership in seeking overdue relief for these deserving individuals. We look forward to working with Senator Brownback in the continuing effort to eliminate these arbitrary caps.