Selective Service


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Am scheduled for my Naturalization Interview this December. Is it necessary for me to register with the selective service even if i was not in the country before my 26th birthday or a legal residence. I became a permanent residence after my 26th birthday.

lbankol said:
Am scheduled for my Naturalization Interview this December. Is it necessary for me to register with the selective service even if i was not in the country before my 26th birthday or a legal residence. I became a permanent residence after my 26th birthday.


Agree with I was not asked about it in my interview and, if asked, just explain that you became LPR after the "cut-off" age.
The IO can easily see you weren't required to register simply by looking at your GC issue date, and your date of birth. Questions may be asked is if you were in the country prior to GC in some other status (e.g. student) because that can sometimes show up gaps in visa status.
From personal experience you are fine. I had same issue but faced no problem. Good luck..

Edit: Sorry I misunderstood your post. I did not have same issue; I was not out of status... I Just didn't get my green card during that age. It was approved later on. At that time someone told me I had to register anyway to be approved for U.S. citizen later which is actually not the case. So I was afraid.

But for your situation I would suggest a good lawyer becase I think you have to show exacly why you did not register. So please seek proffesional help ..good luck
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My Interview letter asks for proof of selective service registration!!

HI all, I have an interview on DEC 08. My interview letter clearly states that I bring proof of selective service registration. I was present in this country with no visa status during my age periods 25 years and 6 months to 26 years. So as per law, I am required to be registered at that six months period, but I am not.

So what are my options....?? Do I take any affidivit stating that I donot know of such legal obligation or just ignore because it didnot occur during last five years (actually longer than 10 years ago, I am now 38), during which time I am required to show good conduct and morality??

Is proof of selective serviice registration is asked on everyone's interview letter?? Can anyone share that info?? Thanks and Good wishes

Any advise is highly apprreciated.
Question I was asked: Did you become resident before or after you became 26. So if you become US resident in the period of age 21 to 26, I think you should register for selective service. Please take 2nd opinion.. Good luck
HI all, I have an interview on DEC 08. My interview letter clearly states that I bring proof of selective service registration. I was present in this country with no visa status during my age periods 25 years and 6 months to 26 years. So as per law, I am required to be registered at that six months period, but I am not.

You should get a lawyer, but I'm pretty sure you're out of luck.

From the Selective Service web site :
Federal law requires that men who are at least 18 years old, but not yet 26 years old, must be registered with Selective Service. This includes all male non-citizens within these age limits who permanently reside in the U.S. Men with "green cards" must register. Men living in the U.S. without INS documentation (undocumented aliens) must also register. Men cannot register after reaching age 26.


If a man fails to register as the law requires, he may not obtain:

U.S. citizenship (when a non-citizen applies for citizenship)

Government jobs

Vocational training (under the JTPA program)

Student loans and grants for college
Personally, I have very little sympathy for someone who wilfully chose to violate America's borders, and now wants to avoid any consequences. Be glad you have a Green Card, rather than being deported.
sampai said:
You should get a lawyer, but I'm pretty sure you're out of luck.

From the Selective Service web site : Personally, I have very little sympathy for someone who wilfully chose to violate America's borders, and now wants to avoid any consequences. Be glad you have a Green Card, rather than being deported.

That's not exactly right. Your quote says he "may" not rather than he "shall" not. In the law this distinction is very important.

If you failed to register with Selective Service and you were a permanent resident of the required age then you have to give a credible explanation why you failed to register. You may get an understanding IO or you may get a more difficult person to deal with... It is a luck of the draw situation... and also depends on what your excuse is...

Also, if you apply to naturalize when you are over 31 then they will not hold a faliure to register for SS against you as much. This is because USCIS mainly focuses on your conduct for the 5 years preceeding your application to naturalize. This doesn't mean that they can't go back 10 years or consider your entire time as an LPR, but if you are over 31 then they do not weigh failure to register with SS as heavily as if you were under 31. You still have to explain why you failed to register. Good Luck.

SSR is not your only problem. Your situation does not sound good more because you were out of status for 6 months. If you were knowingly out of status then you could have a problem even with an understanding IO. I would say spend the $$ and get a lawyer. Usually initial consultations are free. But at least get an EXPERIENCED lawyer to review your case.