Selective Service question


Registered Users (C)
I look in the whole forum I couldn't find the answer for my question ,please pardon me if I missed that.Here's my question:
I received the Interview letter and asked to bring any evidence of selective service registration.I came to US when I was 33 years old,my entry was without inspection so I don't have a proof of entry I got I-94 when I got approval of my political asylum bur SSA does not accept that I-94 and now I'm 43 yrs old .Please advice me what should i do to get a letter from SSA that I was not required to register. I already made an infopass appointment to go to my DO and see a officer.
Thanks in advance.
jattindc1 said:
I look in the whole forum I couldn't find the answer for my question ,please pardon me if I missed that.Here's my question:
I received the Interview letter and asked to bring any evidence of selective service registration.I came to US when I was 33 years old,my entry was without inspection so I don't have a proof of entry I got I-94 when I got approval of my political asylum bur SSA does not accept that I-94 and now I'm 43 yrs old .Please advice me what should i do to get a letter from SSA that I was not required to register. I already made an infopass appointment to go to my DO and see a officer.
Thanks in advance.
From your age at the time of entry to the US, I can sat that you should not pay any attention to that SSA item on your interview letter. Pick only the relevant items on that letter and take those documents only. The interview letter is a very generic one - kind of one size fits all type of thing. Don't pay unnecessary attention to all the irrelevant items and get worked up in your head. Good luck. Everything will be OK.
After you turn 31 years old the issu of selective service no longer apply. You are as fit as fiddle. just relax and wait for the day.
Selective service ,, help please

I came to US when i was exactly 24 years old male , ( as an F-1 visa) student. In march 2000 I married a US citizen and in may 2000 i applied with INS to become PR when i was 25 years and 6 month old . Almost a year later i was called up for an interview ,, so i was granted a conditional PR, and finaly i did recived my GR in 2004. I am 31 years old and decided to go back to school , i applied for Aid. red flag in selective service ,, now until now i did not know if i had to register with selective service or not.

Did i even had to register back then ?
I also served in army for two years in a diffrent country.
I have also had applied for reserve army a few weeks right before september 11 2001 but for some other reasons they never called me.
hoss said:
I came to US when i was exactly 24 years old male , ( as an F-1 visa) student. In march 2000 I married a US citizen and in may 2000 i applied with INS to become PR when i was 25 years and 6 month old . Almost a year later i was called up for an interview ,, so i was granted a conditional PR, and finaly i did recived my GR in 2004. I am 31 years old and decided to go back to school , i applied for Aid. red flag in selective service ,, now until now i did not know if i had to register with selective service or not.

Did i even had to register back then ?
I also served in army for two years in a diffrent country.
I have also had applied for reserve army a few weeks right before september 11 2001 but for some other reasons they never called me.
I did have a red flag too in my financial aid application (my situation was a lot similar to you and I was not aware I needed to register). However, both in my undergrad and graduate institutes, the financial aid officers were able to overirde that red flag by asking me to write a letter explaining why I did not regsiter (not aware). I think you may need to prepare a letter explaining why you did not do it.
Selective service ,, help please

Thanks for the reply

I became PR after i became PR. 26 years and 6 month old. but how abouth the in mean while.. from the time i applied till i be came PR . so i am confuised if i had to register or not..
Selective service ,, help please

Thanks for your reply

i was over 26 years old when i was approved for conditional PR. as you know it takes time to process the paper work.. I applied when i was 25 years and 7 months old and i got the conditional when i was over 26 . I found out that INS has changed the I-458 form since jully 2000 , the new form register you automatically ,, but i used the form in may 2000, ( the old version which does have not have anything about selective service) , does that mean my life is ruined now? some state even dont renew your driver licence without selective service registration.. so even if get through school and finacail aid.. am i going to face this problem anywhere i go that require selective service???

Than you