Security Check after the RFE is acked - 01 filer


Registered Users (C)
Hi Every one,
I wondering if any one knows what does it means.I got a message from my congress man office that my case is waiting for security check.I don't understand what does it mean.My finger print was done in 05/03 and INS has received my RFE in 03/17/04.So do they do any security check after finger printing was done even and if so , do they do for every one before approval of the case . And I am not special registration country even ! So please give some input and any idea !

PD: 9/98
RD/Nd: 9/01
FP: 5/03
RFE acked: 3/17/04
Officer # 18
we are having the same situation

My case has the same situation as yours.
ND/RD 02/18; FP 3/28; REF ACK 2/27/04.

Please keep post.
Just the usual BS! I don't know what to believe any longer. I guess " performing security check" sounds better than "Case is still pending". Legally, I suppose, USCIS (or any Govt. agency) doesn't have to provide any details of a "security check" to anyone with cover from patriot act, whereas they need to explain why a case is just "pending" - just my opinion.....

RD 7/01, ND 8/01, 1stFP 11/02, 2ndFP 4/04, No RFE, 2nd Status Inquiry pending
adman said:
Just the usual BS! I don't know what to believe any longer. I guess " performing security check" sounds better than "Case is still pending". Legally, I suppose, USCIS (or any Govt. agency) doesn't have to provide any details of a "security check" to anyone with cover from patriot act, whereas they need to explain why a case is just "pending" - just my opinion.....

RD 7/01, ND 8/01, 1stFP 11/02, 2ndFP 4/04, No RFE, 2nd Status Inquiry pending
Hi after observin the FP cases after RFE, it seems like INS
is doing a Name check after FP. My attorney said, the FBI is taking
around 6 weeks to complete name check process. It could be this reason
why we are not getting approvals after RFE and FP
My RFE ack on April 7th 2004

Did my 2nd FP on April 27, 2004

FBI sent the results to Lincoln NE on May 5th, 2004

Waiting for the approval.
I don't know how long we do have to put up with this.If they are doing a name check after FP and RFE which could be taking up to 6 weeks, then we should not expect any approval immediately after the RFE acked.But I am been seeing so many approval withing few days of the RFE acked.Any way it sounds like they are just fooling with us.
Thanks every one for your support.
Agree with adman

I agree with adman. My daughter's situation is similar to howdee. RFE ack on 03/17/2004 in/or by office/officer #18. Waiting since.
I think this is a BS. Lawyersw give this all the time. FBI check, security check etc. where no one can question why?

I think it is just officer #18 who comes with good excuse. In the RFE tracker that is present on the top of this forum, only 2 cases are with Officer #18. Rest of the officers are acting fast.
Wating from RFE ACK more than 50 days..Officer #289

I am waiting after RFE ACK for more than 50 days.
& your Officer & my Officer is same.
Officer #289.
No Idea what to do

RD/ND Jan 2002
FP Feb 2003
RFE issue 7th April 2004
RFE ACK 21st April 2004
Officer #289
AD ???????????????
waiting more than 50 days
Same situation

My daughter's fingerprints (done in Jan 01)have still not been cleared by FBI.
Rest of the family was approved in Mar 04. Her FPs have since expired and we do not even have a new FP notice.
RD 5/01
ND 8/01