Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act

marlon2006 said:
In my humble opinion is that as everything in life, there is a balance. That's the magic word. Balance. I think immigration is a blessing to any nation, but there is a limit. Allowing 15-20 million of illegal aliens to get legalization is too much in my view. That is especially true because if you legalize the illegals already here, more will come encouraged by such amnesty/guest-worker program. It is a proven cycle, that's exactly how it works.

President Bush believes that cheap labor is the birthright of every American employer, and so has refused to enforce the law against hiring undocumented workers. In all of 2004, the federal government fined only three companies for employing illegal aliens.

Yes -- President Bush is against illegal immigration ... but he has a different approach.It's the Bush approach: If you legalize everybody, there's no more illegal immigration.

President Bushs' new budget actually ends federal reimbursements to the states for the expense of jailing illegals.

President Bush may have hit bedrock bottom over Iraq, Katrina and the economy, but seems to be a friend of immigrants.

So lets hope something great comes out from his administration.......

Nadi said:
It's the Bush approach: If you legalize everybody, there's no more illegal immigration.

It will be easy if they adopt the European Union approach.... and work on the possibility of changing US relationship with Mexico and Canada in a way similar to what the European Union has done, with the main result being no restrictions on moving across borders.

So people can move in and out of the country as they do in European Union... and that might solve all the major problems..

Well just an idea .... like most I am waiting this game out.
Boughton's immigration reform group launches Web site

Boughton's immigration reform group launches Web site


The "Mayors and County Executives for Immigration Reform," a group co-founded by Mayor Mark Boughton has launched the Web site to spread the word about its cause.

Boughton is in Washington, D.C. today(3-6-06) talking to leaders from across the country about his group which wants the U.S. government to change its immigration policies. Boughton's group presented a panel of immigration experts, including Ruben Barrales, deputy assistant to the President and director of intergovernmental affairs at the White House and Dan Stein, president of Federation for American Immigration Reform, a conservative group.
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I think in the case of Europe you have most of countries involved in a more or less balanced situation, economically and socially speaking. Now you open the doors for Mexico, that sounds challenging. Too many people there in poverty, very hard to absorb all that.

eBhola said:
It will be easy if they adopt the European Union approach....
and work on the possibility of changing US relationship with Mexico and Canada in a way similar to what the European Union has done, with the main result being no restrictions on moving across borders.

So people can move in and out of the country as they do in European Union... and that might solve all the major problems..

Well just an idea .... like most I am waiting this game out.
America is a great Melting Pot

marlon2006 said:
Too many people there in poverty, very hard to absorb all that.

So, to be poor is bad ... :(

This is as if trying to implement Indian Class Society in Western word...
In the class system the poor were untouchable and were not allowed to be absorbed in the society..................but this is US .... America is a great melting pot .... where immigrants (rich or poor) proudly enter the mainstream.
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Immigrants can proudly enter the mainstream if they (or us) come at certain optimal number. Put more than a country can handle and you start all type of anti-immigration sentiment. Exactly what is happening now, isn't it ? In the case of India is totally different. The poor there is from India itself, and it is fair that the poor should be given the opportunity to blend and grow in their own society.

I can't see why Americans in their sovereign country would be willing to absorb an uncontrolled influx of cheap labor which could put virtually any unskilled American out of work for years to come. Americans would need to adapt to a lower standard of living to match the competition. It sounds like a lose lose situation to me. A better idea wouldn't be work with South American countries to raise their standard of living then ? I think so. The very first step would be by educating the people to fight and minimize corruption there. Who knows. Perhaps that's where the world is heading these days. My theory is that people abroad will feel so tempted to afford the American way of life that they will finally demand changes in their own countries. All that boiling point I think it will happen the day America control its borders and greatly minimize the influx of people. So far America has received the most ambitious people. Obviously some control seems to be on the way now. Another possibility is that China also welcomes ambitious immigrants and absorb some of them there. Possible.
Here is something:

nTan said:
So, to be poor is bad ... :(

This is as if trying to implement Indian Class Society in Western word...
In the class system the poor were untouchable and were not allowed to be absorbed in the society..................but this is US .... America is a great melting pot .... where immigrants (rich or poor) proudly enter the mainstream.
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Immigration officers barred from key data

Many immigration officers handling requests for green cards, citizenship and other immigration benefits do not have access to key law enforcement and national security databases, said a top federal security official who quit over the issue.

The officers' access to the databases, which would allow them to check whether an applicant had a criminal record or was on the terrorism watch list, was cut off because the government has failed to complete required background checks on the immigration adjudicators.

Will this cause further delays??
The idea of dealing with 11 million people as if they don't exist is unrealistic.

marlon2006 said:
I can't see why Americans in their sovereign country would be willing to absorb an uncontrolled influx of cheap labor which could put virtually any unskilled American out of work for years to come.

No one likes aliens ... is that not the human nature.
But the reality is something very different and it needs real solutions.
The idea of dealing with 11 million people as if they don't exist is unrealistic.

The 11 million people are here and they are not going to go back on there own... To push 11 million out is not going to be that easy also... You can't stop the border crossing either... most parts are like war zone...

The compromise bill introduced by Senate Judiciary Chairman Arlen Specter offers no real solution.
Mexico foresees U.S. begging for migrants

Flying high above the Yucat‡n peninsula, Mexican President Vicente Fox leaned forward and pointed a finger to make this point: In a few years, he said, the United States may be begging Mexico for the very workers it's now trying to keep out by building a wall along the border.

With the looming retirement from the work force of the U.S. baby boom generation, and with Mexico's population growth-rate declining, immigration from Mexico will slow just as demand for workers in the United States will be growing.

"I am absolutely convinced that by 2010, the United States will have a great demand for workers and laborers to sustain its economy and to sustain its population of retirees and pensioners," the president said. "And in that very year, Mexico will need its young people to help its own economy and to attend to its own retirees."

---> 76 million baby boomers -- begins reaching retirement age in 2011.
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H.R. 4437 n carwashes

Ha ha there is a new warning from car wash owners....

H.R. 4437 could potentially adversely affect carwashes and other car-care facilities..

Get ready to wash n repair Ur own car in near future...
Thousand ways to enter US

If US Border Security Forces build Great Wall of America the people who want to enter will dig the underground tunnels under the same walls and hence the foundation has to go 6 feet under and 15 feet over. :D

Then the other way is through ocean. The US Coast Guards will not be able to detect people swimming with Scubas and Sub where the contracters bring them to San Deigo Beaches and they enter into the main stream america. :D

Watch the movie of Adam Sandler and Peg Vaz "Spanglish" where in LA 48% of them are hispanic and San Deigo is 60% Hispanic. :D

Hey I totally support these illegal immigration :D Kidding.

Well these illegal immigration will bring down the unemployment rate in America. Want to know how??

1. Need to increase the Border Security Force to keep away(pretending).
2.Need to increase the local police force to fight the violence and other issues caused by the these illegal immigrants.
3.Need to increase the Forensic Labs and the staff augmentation of these since the latest studies shows that the Hispanic Mafia Gangs are much ahead than other groups. See Americas Most Wanted on Saturday on Fox.
4.Need to increase the CIS staff to do all the paper work for all these illegal immigrants.

See how much they are benefitting from multiple fronts. So let these guys rot in hell with increased crime rate and violence: Rapes, Gun Fights, B&E, Car Jackings. They invite the problems themselves always and crib at the end that these guys are bad,evil.


I don't think no one denies that a certain demand for labor of levels exist and will continue to exist. That's the point that the Mexican President and many others don't get it. The idea that you cannot enforce immigration laws and make most people illegal go home is BS. There is no such thing as sending 11 million overnight and having no one to work for you. Just enforce standard immigration laws and the population will be reduced gradually, by attrition. Then control the influx of new, legal people based on quotas and gradually take over jobs for which you don't find local people. Also, don't forget automation tools that can be developed and explored to fulfill certain tasks such as many agriculture tasks. In addition, Pres. Fox forgets that outsourcing is just in its infancy:Americans will undeniably lose thousands of jobs in the next few years. Basically everything that is outsourceable will be transferred to countries overseas in the next years ahead. Americans will have to stick to non-outsourceable jobs and I believe that's where part of their concern is coming from.

Now if you allow the 11+ million to stay here without first enforcing common immigration laws and sending the word that illegals are no longer welcome, so that looks chaotic because now you have the 11 million + millions more continuing to come at a high and uncontrolled rate.

nTan said:
Flying high above the Yucat‡n peninsula, Mexican President Vicente Fox leaned forward and pointed a finger to make this point: In a few years, he said, the United States may be begging Mexico for the very workers it's now trying to keep out by building a wall along the border.

With the looming retirement from the work force of the U.S. baby boom generation, and with Mexico's population growth-rate declining, immigration from Mexico will slow just as demand for workers in the United States will be growing.

"I am absolutely convinced that by 2010, the United States will have a great demand for workers and laborers to sustain its economy and to sustain its population of retirees and pensioners," the president said. "And in that very year, Mexico will need its young people to help its own economy and to attend to its own retirees."

---> 76 million baby boomers -- begins reaching retirement age in 2011.
Illegal immigration in US ‘grows by 500,000 annually’

Illegal immigration in US ‘grows by 500,000 annually’

The number of illegal immigrants in the US has continued to grow by nearly half a million each year in spite of US efforts to increase security at the country’s borders, according to a survey released on Tuesday.

The continued rise was driven primarily by the strong demand for low-skilled work in the US. “What we’re seeing is a labour migration that is tied to employment opportunities,” said Jeffrey Passel, the study’s author.

The Pew survey underscored the substantial presence of illegal workers in the US labour market. It estimated about 4.9 per cent of the US labour force, or 7.2m workers, was composed of unauthorised migrants.

Despite beefing up border patrols and constructing fences along the southern US border with Mexico, the US has so far been unable to reverse the flow of illegal migrants there. The study found that the southern border remains the gateway to the US, with Mexican migrants making up 56 per cent of the unauthorised population, and another 22 per cent coming from the rest of Latin America, particularly Central American countries such as Guatemala and El Salvador
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Lip service. So far this country hasn't take any serious measure against illegal immigration. It is all lip service so far. How in the world can one attempt to put more border patrols out there but still continue to offer sanctuaries that work as magnets to attract more people to enter illegally ? No serious measure against the influx has been taken so far because obviously employment, "free" ride on public school districts, medical care, etc. All the system is there setup as a sanctuary for the illegals.

nTan said:
Illegal immigration in US ‘grows by 500,000 annually’

The number of illegal immigrants in the US has continued to grow by nearly half a million each year in spite of US efforts to increase security at the country’s borders, according to a survey released on Tuesday.

The continued rise was driven primarily by the strong demand for low-skilled work in the US. “What we’re seeing is a labour migration that is tied to employment opportunities,” said Jeffrey Passel, the study’s author.

The Pew survey underscored the substantial presence of illegal workers in the US labour market. It estimated about 4.9 per cent of the US labour force, or 7.2m workers, was composed of unauthorised migrants.

Despite beefing up border patrols and constructing fences along the southern US border with Mexico, the US has so far been unable to reverse the flow of illegal migrants there. The study found that the southern border remains the gateway to the US, with Mexican migrants making up 56 per cent of the unauthorised population, and another 22 per cent coming from the rest of Latin America, particularly Central American countries such as Guatemala and El Salvador
Illegals are needed by this economy ...

marlon2006 said:
Lip service. So far this country hasn't take any serious measure against illegal immigration. It is all lip service so far. How in the world can one attempt to put more border patrols out there but still continue to offer sanctuaries that work as magnets to attract more people to enter illegally ? No serious measure against the influx has been taken so far because obviously employment, "free" ride on public school districts, medical care, etc. All the system is there setup as a sanctuary for the illegals.


The truth is that illegals are necessary for this economy and everyone on Capitol Hill knows this. Most illegals are hardworking below minimum wage workers that thousands of businesses employ. They are not provided with any benefits, the employers do not pay any taxes because these workers are not on the books. The entire farming, construction, tourism and service industry in this country runs on the backs of illegals.

During election times, politicians make a lot of noise about illegal immigration. This is just propaganda. Everyone knows that nothing is going to happen. The business lobby is to strong to let anything concrete happen. So we get nice sound bites and lavish bills that even the authors know have no chance of passing. This is all a big show.

Please do not get me wrong. I am not a proponent for illegal immigration. However I am not naive and do not believe everything we are fed through news channels and radio talk show hosts. Everyone is trying to further their own little agenda. The sad part is that we "LEGAL" immigrants are getting screwed in the process and I beleive will continue to get screwed.

No politician will admit this but they know that its in their best interest to let legal immigrants stay in "limbo" for as long as possible. They like our tax dollars and are deligthed that we do not qualify for any Govt sponsored benefits. They also know that we are not paid at par with GC holders and Citizens. They are also counting on the fact that by stretching the legal immigration process they are increasing the chances of people abandoning it or getting into situations that may disqualify them. Why would they want to do anything for us? As far as they are conerned, its an ideal situation.


actually its getting to a point where for most of the folks who are at the perm stage or in backlog centers...especially if you are from india, by the time when (and if) you get the GC, india might look like a better option. already there is a lot inflation in salary of experienced people, there is a real danger of shortfall of experienced folks in india, it would not be surprising to me if more people start to leave and go back abandoning their GC if nothing concrete develops to address retrogression in a year or so.

i know for sure that indian attitudes have changed from the early 90s to this date. the same could be said for china too. what drove people from these countries was the lack of opportunities...well that is changing dramatically. if US needs talent (whether true or not) as it claims, it needs to cleanup this process so that people do not wait for years and years. for tomorrow's indians and chinese the options are increasing and staying at home is getting to be better option and that is a good sign.
Nothing new. Illegals have been serving needs and maximizing profits for US employers. It is estimated that hidden costs paid by US tax payers is not making that viable anymore. Some analysts estimate that "the price of a lettuce is already $3". That happens because US employers pay less for the cheap labor workers, but then behind that you have all the infrastructure subsidised by tax payers.

The only thing different now is that Americans are more vocal about it and the issues are becoming more transparent. There are some hospitals and schools overcrowded out there. If the US does nothing about this, it will get to a point where the system may get drained so badly that it cannot run properly anymore in many cities. The question is, when and what. Let's see next year.

Therefore don't rest assured that nothing will be done. Perhaps now finally they have to. The question is, when and what. They will drag their feet as much as they can, that's for sure.

saras76 said:

The truth is that illegals are necessary for this economy and everyone on Capitol Hill knows this. Most illegals are hardworking below minimum wage workers that thousands of businesses employ. They are not provided with any benefits, the employers do not pay any taxes because these workers are not on the books. The entire farming, construction, tourism and service industry in this country runs on the backs of illegals.

During election times, politicians make a lot of noise about illegal immigration. This is just propaganda. Everyone knows that nothing is going to happen. The business lobby is to strong to let anything concrete happen. So we get nice sound bites and lavish bills that even the authors know have no chance of passing. This is all a big show.

Please do not get me wrong. I am not a proponent for illegal immigration. However I am not naive and do not believe everything we are fed through news channels and radio talk show hosts. Everyone is trying to further their own little agenda. The sad part is that we "LEGAL" immigrants are getting screwed in the process and I beleive will continue to get screwed.

No politician will admit this but they know that its in their best interest to let legal immigrants stay in "limbo" for as long as possible. They like our tax dollars and are deligthed that we do not qualify for any Govt sponsored benefits. They also know that we are not paid at par with GC holders and Citizens. They are also counting on the fact that by stretching the legal immigration process they are increasing the chances of people abandoning it or getting into situations that may disqualify them. Why would they want to do anything for us? As far as they are conerned, its an ideal situation.


michael_holding said:
actually its getting to a point where for most of the folks who are at the perm stage or in backlog centers...especially if you are from india, by the time when (and if) you get the GC, india might look like a better option. already there is a lot inflation in salary of experienced people, there is a real danger of shortfall of experienced folks in india, it would not be surprising to me if more people start to leave and go back abandoning their GC if nothing concrete develops to address retrogression in a year or so.

i know for sure that indian attitudes have changed from the early 90s to this date. the same could be said for china too. what drove people from these countries was the lack of opportunities...well that is changing dramatically. if US needs talent (whether true or not) as it claims, it needs to cleanup this process so that people do not wait for years and years. for tomorrow's indians and chinese the options are increasing and staying at home is getting to be better option and that is a good sign.

Depends how far ahead you believe America is than India.
Fact is the USA is many decades ahead of India in Development parameters.
Whether that is hard infrastructure or institutional infrastructure. None of that is transferrable, it can be used as a model for replication elsewhere but it does not make it go away from the USA.
In addition to this this country has proportionately more productive and working citizens than most countries. Many people in India work hard but the fruits of their labour is very small not for lack of hard work but since that work is not skilled, or valued highly. None of this changes overnight. The Chinese have greatly increased productivity in manufacturing largely due to US technology migrating there. Similar thing with the Indian Services sector.
None of these sorts of thing change overnight or even in our lifetimes perhaps.
The good news is that these large slumbering giants(india and china) have finally woken up and enterted the race, the US however is already far ahead.
In addition to this, these countries face problems like limitation of resources, and a huge underpriviledged class weighing them down, which the US has less of. In a democracy, like it or not they have votes too! India is doing well, but do not stretch the reality. There is a long way to go.
Thats why we all continue to try to hang on here and many more Indians will continue to try to come here. Last time I checked the lines at the US consulates were not getting any shorter!
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