Second Marriage Green Card. First marriage was never filed to USCIS


New Member
My first marriage went downhill after 9 months due to incompatible personalities of marriage stuff, and we filed a divorce. A year later, I met my current soulmate, and after some time talking about things we want in a relationship, She is the one who can fill the blanks. We want to get married, and we both want to stay in US. She is USC. We would be grateful if you have some advices here. How long should we wait to be considered a “safe” time zone to remarry some one else? I had all of the stuff needed to prove my first marriage as bone fide such as pictures, joint bank account, phone,etc. Plus, I was never filed a petition for my first marriage. Is it legally possible that my future wife is able to sponsor for me? I expect extra scrutiny from the officers, but I dont know what they might question.
As above, depends what status you came in on - if it was K1 then only the sponsor of that petition can sponsor you for a green card (unless you leave the US in the interim and return on a new CR1 visa). If you were here on some other status, met and married your first wife, then it is possible.

If no petition was filed for the first marriage, how long have you been out of status for?