second J-1 category intern


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I read a lot of things and I need a clear answer about J-1 category intern. I am currently under J-1 intern for 12 months and it ends this August 2010. Now I am offered another internship by another company to start in September or October, and I don't know what to tell them about eligibility. So my question is : can I have another J-1 intern visa right after the expiration of my current one? Is there any bar time? I heard about 90 days, 2 years, and some sponsoring organizations said no bar time. What is the correct answer? I am anyway still eligible for an Intern visa as i am still enrolled in a university in my home country (France). Please let me know! Many thanks.
It differ from case to case and from category to another. The rule is the second J should be in the same line and consistent with the previous one. The burden of approval that the second J is consistent with the previous one is on you. No written law with which type of J is consistent with which but if you have J visa to study biology it may be difficult if not possible to have another one to work as a hotel recioptionest and so on.
It differ from case to case and from category to another. The rule is the second J should be in the same line and consistent with the previous one. The burden of approval that the second J is consistent with the previous one is on you. No written law with which type of J is consistent with which but if you have J visa to study biology it may be difficult if not possible to have another one to work as a hotel recioptionest and so on.

Thank you for the answer. I do think that my second J is consistent with my first one. Now, is there any written law that specifies a wait time between 2 internship programs or is it also case by case? I don't know when I would be able to start the second internship. I am not subject to the 2 year-rule and still eligible for the intern category. Please let me know. Thanks!
Thank you for the answer. I do think that my second J is consistent with my first one. Now, is there any written law that specifies a wait time between 2 internship programs or is it also case by case? I don't know when I would be able to start the second internship. I am not subject to the 2 year-rule and still eligible for the intern category. Please let me know. Thanks!

I don't know the exact rules, but I have had two J1 internships that are 4 months apart. Though, they are different programs/companies. From the last time I talked to the lawyer, I believe that each internship cannot last more than 12 months, but I have not heard of other limitations.