Second FP received RD 2/15/02


Registered Users (C)
I received 2nd FP notice on Oct 03 and it is scheduled for 11/14. I would like to go for earlier FP at Newark.

Please give your idea. What are all docs. needed for FP?

RD 2/15
ND 3/12

EAC 02-131-54xxxx
The docs listed on the Notification letter, 1) Notice Letter 2) Phot Id.

I also received 2nd FP notice today, but my wife's FP notice not received. Is this normal?

Did you file for just yourself? If not, did you receive for both?

Thanks a lot!
Some people were successful at Newark in giving early FP.

Go on saturday. Good Luck. Be ready with a valid reason for going early in case u r asked.

I received both for my wife and myself together with same appoinment date and time.


Thanks for your comments.
I did 2nd FP on Saturday. Was originally scheduled for 11/6.
DOcs needed: FP notice, Passport, Drivers's license.
No questions were asked.

did you ask BCIS or senator or congressmen to help for 2nd FP?

Or they just sent it to you?
Same case - rcd FP-II

I also recd the FP-II on 10/06/03

RD: 02/12/2002
ND: 03/28/2002
FP-I: 05/15/2002

FP-II Scheduled: 11/15/03

My wife and I have the same RD as yours and we leave in NJ too. Could you please let us know how you got FP2 notice? Did you have to talk to someone (senator/congressman or IIO etc). or it came automatically? Did your online/AVM indicate a FP2 notice was sent? Please let us know

Since your case is with IIO it is upto him to decided on 2fp. In some cases I have seen that they don't even have ask for 2fp but we never know with this guys.
I did not call anybody. But my FP notice was sent to old address, even though I updated my address year back.