Seattle DO - N-400 timeline

You're right, I had got a list of questions that wasn't quite accurate. Mostly correct but that one question was missing and slithgt differences here and there. I went to the USCIS web site again and got the 96 questions.
Thanks a lot!
N400 Interview Today

Hello folks!

I've been browsing the boards for awhile now and have found it to be very helpful. :D As we all know, this whole process is extremely long and can make a person very anxious.

I had my interview today and it was such a pleasant meeting. I arrived 30 minutes early and waited for about 1 hour. It looks like they were behind this morning. Finally my name was called and followed my IO down some long hallways. She mentioned that she was from the Portland office and was only helping out until December.

She asked for my green card, passport and WA DL. She then went over my application to make sure that everything was still the same. Asked me the same questions that are at the end of the applications such as committing crimes, overthrow govt and so forth.

After that, she asked me to read and write a very simple sentence. She had asked if I studied from the old or new test and I said old and began asking me 6 questions from the list of 96 on the website. She had 10 printed on her sheet, but once I got 6, I was good.

Just as the others mentioned, I was asked to print my full name at the bottom of my application. She mentioned that for some reason Seattle requires this. Portland requires for you to actually sign your name and that all signatures remain the same.

She then said congratulations, your oath date is on October 31st! I had mentioned to her that some others had earlier dates and some had later dates. She stated that it depends on the IO and what number they are for that day. If she was #10 today, she could have earlier interviews that the IO that is #25.

Anyhow, just wanted to let everyone know that my interview was very pleasant. The IO was extremely nice and informative.

Just 2 more weeks and my journey will be done. BUT, I will begin a new journey for my husband that is still in Vancouver, BC. BAH, wish me luck.

01/04/2008: N-400 mailed
01/15/2008: Priority Date
02/21/2008: Finger Printing
10/14/2008: Interview Date
10/31/2008: Oath Ceremony
Got IL today:eek:

Quick question: Can I bring my wife to the interview with me & will IO allow her to come in???:confused:
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You could go inside the building along with your wife and she could wait in the hall but she may not be able to come inside the interview room.

I think you could take only your lawyer along with you to the interview room.
I talked to Customer Service again and they told, my IL is in the mail, they sent it on Oct 16th. I did not get it today.

I asked when is my interview, she said its in November and said, you have all the details in the letter.

Will this take this long to get the mail? Anyone has similar experience? I hope I get it this week. I am so glad to hear this. But until I get the IL, I will be little worried.

Mailed N-400.....03/25/08
Receipt Date.....03/31/08
1st FP............. 04/24/08
Requested for postponement, as I was on Vacation
Actual FP…………05/06/2008
Sep 23rd-Talked to on phone (supervisor) - FBI check is pending and I am not in the line for Interview
Oct 20th- Talked to Supervisor again- My IL is in the mail on 16th Oct
IL letter ??????
Interview Date Nov??????

I talked to Customer Service again and they told, my IL is in the mail, they sent it on Oct 16th. I did not get it today.

I asked when is my interview, she said its in November and said, you have all the details in the letter.

Will this take this long to get the mail? Anyone has similar experience? I hope I get it this week. I am so glad to hear this. But until I get the IL, I will be little worried.

Mailed N-400.....03/25/08
Receipt Date.....03/31/08
1st FP............. 04/24/08
Requested for postponement, as I was on Vacation
Actual FP…………05/06/2008
Sep 23rd-Talked to on phone (supervisor) - FBI check is pending and I am not in the line for Interview
Oct 20th- Talked to Supervisor again- My IL is in the mail on 16th Oct
IL letter ??????
Interview Date Nov??????

From postmark date, it took four business days for my IL to get to my mailbox. Just relax and watch something fun tonight to keep you distracted. I know the feeling when you are waiting for something in the mail. You may see the IL in your mailbox tomorrow afternoon. Good luck!
I talked to Customer Service again and they told, my IL is in the mail, they sent it on Oct 16th. I did not get it today.

I asked when is my interview, she said its in November and said, you have all the details in the letter.

Will this take this long to get the mail? Anyone has similar experience? I hope I get it this week. I am so glad to hear this. But until I get the IL, I will be little worried.

Mailed N-400.....03/25/08
Receipt Date.....03/31/08
1st FP............. 04/24/08
Requested for postponement, as I was on Vacation
Actual FP…………05/06/2008
Sep 23rd-Talked to on phone (supervisor) - FBI check is pending and I am not in the line for Interview
Oct 20th- Talked to Supervisor again- My IL is in the mail on 16th Oct
IL letter ??????
Interview Date Nov??????

I just checked the date on my IL letter & it says that it was mailed on the 8th of this month & I recieved it on the 14th so yours should be really close to land in your hands:)
Thanks for your kind and supportive words, Sirch320, truckensafely.

Got my IL today. I was sooooo thrilled. I almost thought its going to take forever, but dramatically I got IL. Last 3 weeks were really hard on me.

Thanks to this forum and all members, who has been of immense help in predicting things.

Mailed N-400.....03/25/08
Receipt Date.....03/31/08
Actual FP…………05/06/2008
Sep 23rd-Talked to on phone (supervisor) - FBI check is pending and I am not in the line for Interview
Oct 20th- Talked to Supervisor again- My IL is in the mail on 16th Oct
IL letter 10/21/2008
Interview Date 11/20/2008
just checkin in on a place i used to post. looks like things are moving swiftly for yall at seattle now
One question- What dress is appropriate for the interview? Should that be, business-formal with stockings etc. Please share your views.
On the interview letter it says dress accordingly, in government language it means no jeans, athletic shoes, tank tops, low cut skirts, shorts....etc, you get the picture. For my interview day I'm planning on slacks, dress shirt & jacket, I don't think a tie is neccesary. Good luck brother.

I just want to share my updates with you folks,i got my IL yestrday and it will on 11/20 ,am9:00.

I think finally my citizenship journey is over after 30 months:cool:

Advise:dont waste your time by writting to congressmen/Senators...Etc
it is worthless,and they process gose by the book ,NO ONE is able to cross it.
I tried everything ,sent letters every where Nothing worked.
- Other thing: Dont depend on what the customer service tell you nor their supervisors,i was on the phone Monday with IO ,and she told me that my file is suspended because of the interviews backlogs?!?!?!?!
In the same time IL was sent 5 days ago before the phone call.

Wish you all the best of luck in your journey.
Time Line:

N400:pD 05/12/2006
1st FP(done):06/20/2006
2nd FP(done):10/10/2008
IL date:10/16/2008
On the interview letter it says dress accordingly, in government language it means no jeans, athletic shoes, tank tops, low cut skirts, shorts....etc, you get the picture. For my interview day I'm planning on slacks, dress shirt & jacket, I don't think a tie is neccesary. Good luck brother.

I wore jeans and T-shirt and it wasn't an issue. As long you don't wear shorts, tank top, flip flop, basketball shoes, or excessively revealing clothes, you'll be fine.
well, I don't think jeans & t-shirt is an issue but I think you will present yourself a bit better in an interview, be more respected & looked up to if you were dressed appropriatly. Just my opnion.
If it wasn't an issue, they wouldn't say "dress appropriately" I'm guessing. They probably won't refuse you for wearing jeans, but I wouldn't recommend it.
i wore jeans and a t-shirt. when they say approriately, probably shirts with profanity or anything bad on it, or ripped jeans, dirty clothing is what there talkin about. as long as your clean looking IMO they dont care.
Has any one any idea why there is such a discrepancy of time between the biometric appointment and interview? I have gone through the thread and some people have their interview withihn 2-3 months and others have waited almost a year.

09/27/08 N-400 mailed
09/29/08 Priority date
03/10/08 Check cashed
11/07/08 FP date