Seattle DO - N-400 timeline

Are you guys able to check your case status online using the LIN* case number? I tried it but it says it is not in the automated system.

You can add my info on the spreadsheet:
PD: 1/07/08
CC: 1/09/08
FP Done: 02/08/08
IL: ????
Interview Letter received. It states that my interview is scheduled for 8/11 so I still have some time to prepare for it :)

CrossHairs, what else did you discuss with your IO during the interview besides this board? :)
Congrats. Nothing much apart from the threads I posted on this forum. The rest were regular, and I'm sure you will do well in your interview. Good luck.
Thanks everybody. I am facing a different dilemma now.

I was just offered a job in Austria and would like to live there for a couple of years but would require to start August 1st. That means I would have to delay my interview until November or so. Not sure how would my situation be viewed upon during the interview as I would have just returned for 2 - 3 weeks to sort the citizenship stuff out.

Has anybody had a similar experience or at least read about it?
I have been reading this thread from 2months. Outstanding work. Hats off to you all. It was very helpful. :D

I became a member 2months back, but did not get activation link until today.:mad:

Below are my details.

Mailed N-400.....03/25/08
Receipt Date.....03/31/08
1st FP............. 04/24/08
Requested for postponement, as I was on Vacation
Actual FP…………05/06/2008
IL letter ??????
Interview Date??????
Bumping my earlier post...

Thanks everybody. I am facing a different dilemma now.

I was just offered a job in Austria and would like to live there for a couple of years but would require to start August 1st. That means I would have to delay my interview until November or so. Not sure how would my situation be viewed upon during the interview as I would have just returned for 2 - 3 weeks to sort the citizenship stuff out.

Has anybody had a similar experience or at least read about it?
Sorry CrossHairs but I cannot help you as I am not even close to the oath as of yet :)

I am not sure why taking the job overseas would be such a big deal at this point in my naturalization. I have strong ties to the US including a wife and a kid who are both citizens, house/mortgage, etc. You are probably right from a legal standpoint and the IO could make a big deal out of it. I do think I can preserve the LPR status by getting an advanced parole.

Any first hand experience would be appreciated. Thanks
Hi All,

I went off to Hawaii for a few weeks and suddenly the thread springs to life with lots of new data! Apologies for the delay in updating my spreadsheet (attached) etc.

Alan7: welcome to the thread and thanks for your timeline. I have added it to the spreadsheet.

adum2007: welcome. Could you share some of your additional dates, most specifically your PD, so we can time your process? For now, I have added you in the section below the main spreadsheet called "Information too sparse".

diktus: welcome. You have been added to the spreadsheet. You are a week behind me in terms of PD but managed to get the FP out of the way before I even received my first NOA! Re your specific question, from day 1, I have consistently had the same result as you when I try to check my case status online. Comments on this and other threads seem to suggest that one cannot rely at all on the results from the USCIS website in this regard. I will begin to worry about it if I have heard nothing by the 248-day expected timeline given in my initial NOA.

Feliz-LA: welcome and thanks for cross-posting 2Loud4U's SEA timeline from I have included her in the spreadsheet. Her timeline is a little faster than some of the preceding people we track which would suggest that the USCIS is indeed rounding the corner from the Summer '07 bulge. Hope you get your own IL soon.

CrossHairs: Congratulations on passing the interview, with a slightly earlier than expected OD! I laughed hard when I saw your's and Seattleliter's exchange re your respective oath dates:) My sympathies to your wife but surely her date will come soon, too.

Adamsavich: Congratulations! Your IL arrived one full month ahead of my rough and somewhat conservative projection. That is presumably good news for all of us :) On the flipside, your timeline has been the slowest we have seen yet from the summer of '07. You may be the fulcrum applicant! Anyway, that doesn't matter now that you have an ID in prospect.

Sea2India: welcome. Your timeline has been added to the spreadsheet.

I'm kind of busy catching up on stuff after being gone for several weeks but if I can find a window, I'll revise my IL projections based on Adamsavich's faster-than-anticipated IL receipt.

Happy Independence Day to all!

Well, since I started to update my tracker I thought I might as well take a look at the projections for ILs. Keeps me from doing what i really should be doing :)

The USCIS has released May 2008 stats and by implication revised May 2007 data. The key point is that processing speed in May picked up to a record 5,047 cases per working day from the 4,100 to 4,400 region in the prior three months. If we assume this new pace holds, then the projected IL dates become as follows:

July '08: PDs up to 9/11 2007
August '08: PDs up to 10/18 2007
September '08: PDs up to 1/4/ 2008

However, this projection is highly sensitive to the assumed processing speed, especially when we get into the 11/07 and 12/07 PDs because there are so relatively few of them. Thus if we assume a slightly more conservative processing speed of 4500 cases per day, then the projections look like this:

July '08: PDs up to 9/6 2007
Aug '08: PDs up to 10/11 2007
Sep '08: PDs up to 12/3 2007
Oct '08: PDs up to 2/4 2008
Nov '08: PDs up to 4/2 2008

Also, bear in mind that my base data is US-wide, not Seattle DO specific, and that individual cases will differ. Net, net I am not sure how much one can really infer from this exercise - but playing with the numbers passes the time, right?

You've done a fantastic job, that I'm ashamed to ask you for any enhancements.
But, I'll ask :)

Would you have data on passport applied, and passport received times for "Routine", "Expedited" services for Seattle?

No feelings of shame should be involved: asking for more is the American way which you are now entitled to pursue. :D

Sorry to say, I have no such data and am not sure whether it would even exist in "official" form. A lot of people on this board and others like it do track that last part of their path but I have not kept up with it. Perhaps something to look into adding to the spreadsheet although it isn't always clear which method people used. Let me look into data availability and feasibility. If anyone out there has a good source of such data, don't hesitate to point me in the right direction.


I have had a look at the passport processing time issue. There appears to be no official data on it but the State Department website indicates that expedited processing will be done within 2 weeks. The State Department is the sole issuing authority for passports and I don't think location of applicant would matter hugely.

Looking at this thread, there are 5 people who have reported their passport application timelines. Chicago_m applied through the expedited service in Seattle on Friday 7/6/07 and picked up his passport on Monday 7/9/07 (3 days). Jirapan applied on 1/25/08, again through expedited service in Seattle, and had her passport 4 days later. The last Seattle applicant, acharmer, applied on 3/17/2008 but did not indicate whether he used normal or expedited service. He had his passport 9 days later. The remaining two, from Atlanta and Dallas, took 7 and 8 days respectively.

Looking at, 16 people (from all SCs and DOs) report on passport applications in 2008. None indicate the method used. The spread of timelines ranges from 5 days to 14 days, except for one guy who had his initial photos rejected and took 36 days in all. The most common periodicity was 9 days with 5 cases. 5 cases were completed faster than that and 5 more slowly.

Hope this helps.

Still no progress on my part..

I haven't seen my mom for 4 months.. I wasn't next to her when she had to go through radio therapy for her cancer case. I am not able to take , even temporary jobs in Turkey because i don't want to jeopardize my citizenship status.. On the other hand, she is slowly and gradually getting worse by the day..

I sent a registered letter to FBI for my records a month ago. Still no reply.. Does it take this long for FBI to come back and say 'no records' or something different ?

All this is because i am stuck in name check..
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I am soo sorry to hear about your mom and your case. I hope and pray she recovers.

Ignore the below, I just saw your signature and realized that you already wrote to Patty Murray and the first lady.

Just a suggestion.... Did you ever write to Patty Murray? I sent her a letter and a fax in April, I believe, when I was getting impatient about my IL, and got a reply in the mail in about 10 days saying they will look into it. After a couple of weeks, someone from her office called for my A# so they can follow up with USCIS(but I had already gotten the IL by then). This shows that they atleast try to contact to USCIS(not sure about FBI). Also, like other people in this forum(Ghantabro etc wo was stuck in namecheck, and recently got his IL), write to the VP, first lady etc. Since its election time, someone might look into it.