Seanate Illegals proposed bill..Here's a copy


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Republican propsed illegals bill introduced in the Senate....Its a points based system...It looks good to be a illegal....waiting in line is so stupid:D
Waiting in line is not stupid. IT IS a privilege. Be thankfull you are ABLE to be legal in this country. You are lucky you have that opportunity (either by your education, work, marriage, etc). Those who are not as lucky as YOU, are the ones who will benefit from this bill. They work just as hard as YOU do, they have the same needs as YOU do, and they have the same aspirations as YOU do. Their work is needed just as much as yours is. It's just that they are unable to follow procedures set for by the USCIS.
It is not easy to be illegal. If you think my guest...come to Calif and work in the fields breaking your back each day for $6/hr, no benefits, no hope of nothing better.
Nothing prevents you from doing it. Nothing prevents any amarican from working the jobs these illegals do. So untill those White gringos show up on the fields ready to work hard, lets just shut up and ACCEPT that we NEED these immigrants.
so the question is, once they become legal, would they still wanna do that kinda work, or this country is gonna need a new batch of illegals??
Well we'll have to start paying them minimum wage I would guess, unless the new "Orange Card" allows to pay less than that. Agriculture is going to take a hit over this, for certain.

My guess is that in 20 years times we'll have 13 million more illegals, even if they give everyone here amnesty right now. The only way to stop illegals is to fix the Mexican economy so that people don't have to come here to support their families.
Another way to award these Illegal Criminals for violating Federal laws, stealing from the children and others in USA.

No on needs these Illegal criminals here, they only cause harm and cost USA Billion/ Year.

Criminla behavior should never be rewarded, instead should be punished.

Those who advocate criminla behavior most likely are criminals themselves.
Forget about it Mister...


Republicans aren't going to pass this bill... :eek: As long as the Democrats rule congress, it is all about the hispanic vote baby. Why pass this legislation now, while you can wait to pass it in the fall of 2008, and win the hispanic vote for your party?:confused:

Republicans don't have the balls to do anything, all their nuts in the Iraq basket, which is being whipped daily by the violence in Iraq. So, if I were counting on amnesty, would forget about it for now...:eek:

Couple of issues: The AG is a douchebag, embarrased himself before Congress and the American people. Worst of all, he is supposed to spearhead this initiative for the Bush Admin, do you think he has the balls to face the Senate Judiciary Committe and seek their help in drafting a legislation for amnesty? :rolleyes: of course not, the US attorney scandal is like a wildfire in Georgia, still raging on....

The Iraq war supplemental has further strained the relations between Democrats and President Bush. As such, who wants to befriend someone so unpopular in the polls? Not the democrats, but a red-state nut cases...
Waiting in line is not stupid. IT IS a privilege. Be thankfull you are ABLE to be legal in this country. You are lucky you have that opportunity (either by your education, work, marriage, etc). Those who are not as lucky as YOU, are the ones who will benefit from this bill. They work just as hard as YOU do, they have the same needs as YOU do, and they have the same aspirations as YOU do. Their work is needed just as much as yours is. It's just that they are unable to follow procedures set for by the USCIS.
It is not easy to be illegal. If you think my guest...come to Calif and work in the fields breaking your back each day for $6/hr, no benefits, no hope of nothing better.
Nothing prevents you from doing it. Nothing prevents any amarican from working the jobs these illegals do. So untill those White gringos show up on the fields ready to work hard, lets just shut up and ACCEPT that we NEED these immigrants.

They are UNWILLING to follow Legal Procedures that every intending immigrant must follow.

being illegal if a free lunch ticket & free pass to break laws and have 0 consequences:, Illegals do not have to obey laws, they do not have to obtrain drivers liscense legally, they do Not have to pay insurance ( Auto or Health) they smuggle drugs, commit crimes, get free education without putting 1 penny into the system they steal from, They can break laws and Not be held accountable ...a free pass to criminal behavior.

No one here needs these illegal criminals, they cause mor eharm and cost more to USA Citizens and LEGAL residents, Children suffer, public education suffers , hospitols have to close down because of these illegal Criminal Aliens.

USA would save 10+ billion/ year by deporting them,

Republicans aren't going to pass this bill... :eek: As long as the Democrats rule congress, it is all about the hispanic vote baby. Why pass this legislation now, while you can wait to pass it in the fall of 2008, and win the hispanic vote for your party?:confused:

Republicans don't have the balls to do anything, all their nuts in the Iraq basket, which is being whipped daily by the violence in Iraq. So, if I were counting on amnesty, would forget about it for now...:eek:

Couple of issues: The AG is a douchebag, embarrased himself before Congress and the American people. Worst of all, he is supposed to spearhead this initiative for the Bush Admin, do you think he has the balls to face the Senate Judiciary Committe and seek their help in drafting a legislation for amnesty? :rolleyes: of course not, the US attorney scandal is like a wildfire in Georgia, still raging on....

The Iraq war supplemental has further strained the relations between Democrats and President Bush. As such, who wants to befriend someone so unpopular in the polls? Not the democrats, but a red-state nut cases...

Our Govt. should stop wasting money on the Iraq screw up and put our troops on the borders of our country where the USA is being invaded by criminlas every day. the best way to ensure the safety. security and freedom for USA is by securing our borders, refroming our education & Health care systems. and applying /enforcing sanctions agaisnt countries who allow their people to violate our federal immigration laws by not securing ther side of the border and by not providing a better way of life for thier own people.
I disagree.....

Our Govt. should stop wasting money on the Iraq screw up and put our troops on the borders of our country where the USA is being invaded by criminlas every day. the best way to ensure the safety. security and freedom for USA is by securing our borders, refroming our education & Health care systems. and applying /enforcing sanctions agaisnt countries who allow their people to violate our federal immigration laws by not securing ther side of the border and by not providing a better way of life for thier own people.


You tough approach is not going to work with this Congress or new Congress in the future. US Corporations knows the value of cheap labor when they see one, so what motivation would they have to support tougher sanctions against illegals?:confused: Nada... zieltch....

US troops stationed on the border between US and mexico isn't going to work or fly with anyone. From when is the US a militarized zone? :confused: I also see conservatives advance this notion of military as a panacea for all their screw-ups. For example, they controlled congress for the last 12 years or more, but I don't recall a bill being introduced in Congress to address this issue with fairness in mind. :eek:

For Iraq,wise people told conservatives to try diplomacy- art of sitting down, discuss difference and agree to disagree. Most importantly, agree not to engage in military conflict which could be terrible for poor and innocent families.:( Guess what... Bush people were aroused and had hard ons for Saddam, so we find ourselves in this quandry in Iraq...:mad:

I am not in favor or harsh deportation of people whose kids where born and raised here, even though they are illegals themselves. If you really think about it, how would you justify splitting a family? I understand and agree that breaking the law is unjust, but at times there are laws which need to be modified to accomodate complex humanitarian situations. ;)

As I said, immigration reform is a fantasy for BUSH, it will never get done in this country with the current political climate.... I would bet my 7 series on this one...:p
The only way to stop illegals is to fix the Mexican economy so that people don't have to come here to support their families.

Even if you fix Mexico, next thing we'll have will be illegals from Guatemala. It's a never ending cycle. It's a natural human response...poor people will always migrate where better paying jobs are. You and everyone in this forum did the same thing, we are just a little bit luckier we are able to do it the legal way.
So the only thing we can do now is to ADMIT that these illegals are a vital part of this economy. In a country where a hamburger needs to be prepared in less than 2 minutes, and be made a la carte, and still be under $5, you can't expect to have labor that earns a lot of money. We need cheap labor....and no white american cowboy is willing to do it. So let's just accept that those mexicans guys are helping us. And lets stop dreaming of a solution that will never EVER happen.
I am not in favor or harsh deportation of people whose kids where born and raised here, even though they are illegals themselves.

Give it up. Those kids are Citizens. Unless you are on a mission to change the constitution.
Where are those christian conservatives when you need them. To defend the rights of the unborn, and the "family values".

I understand and agree that breaking the law is unjust, but at times there are laws which need to be modified to accomodate complex humanitarian situations. ;)

Complex???'s a very basic situation. Ever since man walked on earth, we have always migrated to better pastures. One way or the other.
I think that giving citizenship automatically to children of Illegal Immigrants, the minute they're born, is doesnt make any sence and its causin all that debate bout separating families...
They are criminals and do not have the right to any priviliages or services offered to LEGAL LAW abiding residents.

What is the problem with these Criminal ILLEGAL ALIENS that they think they can simply break federal Immigration laws and commit other crimes, yet expect to do so without consequences or penalty.

NO Body needs these criminals, no more than we need the high cost of Health care or housing or Insurance permiums brough ton by these Criminals Aliens. No body needs or benefits from their pressence except for them.

However America Citizens Pay 10+ billions per year due to these Criminal Illegal Alien Scum bags. They lower education standards in our schools, they steal from the public & Govt., they commit violent crimes, advocate drugs & Illegal activity. There is no place in USA for this type of low life human dirt.

They can cry, Assemble & march and spew all they want about human rights, Bottom line is that is has nothing to do with Human Rights, it is about following the regulations and federal laws of The USA, those who knowingly chose to ignore those laws have no right to be here, their children are also Illegals who should be treated the same as any other federal criminal. Illegals Play the game they should be ready to face the consequences of theri actions. Just like when they drive illegally unisured and cause accidents & even physical harm if caught they go to jail , lose thier illegally aquired car and eventually face the music.
They can hide in the shadows once caught they should be detained max. 72 hours and deported.

The USA would thrive and economy, housng, education & medical systems would recover & Thrive once these Illegal Criminals are held accountable, no free handouts for those who are federal criminlas, their children should be home schooled in their clown houses if their parents had them while illegal in the USA, No free medical care, they should be made to go to hospital in their onw country of origin.

They put nothing intot the system therefore are not deserving of anything from the system. sound like a tired dog barking at the airplanes all day. No matter what you say, those illegals are here to stay and they are doing the work for you, because YOU WANT THEM TO.
Just for one day don't buy vegetables, don't drink wine, don't eat out at any resturant, don't have your clothes cleaned, don't get your trash cleaned at the office...etc etc. For one day don't consume anything made "by mexicans", and then go to the fields, restaurants or any place where they work and volunteer. Do what you say. You'll realize how much prosperity there would be without these immigrants. NONE.
don't just HIDE here, go out there and do something.
I think that giving citizenship automatically to children of Illegal Immigrants, the minute they're born, is doesnt make any sence and its causin all that debate bout separating families...

read the constitution....don't YOU be ridiculus.
it's the constitutional amendment.... stupid...

what is that supposed to mean. I never said they're gettin the citizenship illegaly or maliciously, all i'm sayin is that it need to be revisited...

What would be the revised version of this amendment be? Professor of Constitutional law :confused: You automatically become a US citizen the moment you come out of a womb in the United States.... :eek: the only exception are childrens of Diplomats... :rolleyes:

Unless you have the balls to change the constitution, because you are against kids who are born in the US, but their parents are illegals. Just like health care coverage, before you admit these women to the delivery room or section of any medical facility, then we are going to need to see your greencard or passport..... ridiculous....:eek:

Change the constitution, to ensure that people who have DUI aren't eligible to become president of the US, lest they start ridiculous war in far aways lands and main innocent civilians in the name of democracy...:mad:

It's the constitutional amendment.... stupid....:(
I actually have experience with being around people who make a living out of helping Illegal Immigrants have access to medical care and benefits.

My questions why should the US government pay for II's (Illegal Immigrants) labor delivery at the hospital through medicaid? they say it is emergency medicaid.... as if, they become pregnant and are in an "emergency" state for 9 months? it would be easier and cheaper to pay for a plane ticket to the IIs country and have the baby delivered there.

I have always had an issue with babies born here are citizen the minute they are born... and believe me there are plenty of them! I do not say change the constitution, but why citizens? when their parents are IIs? how about we say the children of IIs? become legal permanent residents? or conditional permanent residents?

These are just questions to stir up debate, I want to know your point of view.