Scripts (both in Java and Perl) to automate online status inquiry

VB script running

I downloaded the vb code snippet from this thread and have it work for me but it does not send email (not sure if I have smtp component setup correct)..

I added couple extra codes to pop-up message if approved. Now is there any sentiment attached, so many days from installation of this snippet, you get approval ??? :D
Originally posted by ksam
I am connected to the internet. I can open IE and goto the same web page as in the URL code. Is there something I am missing here ?

Seems https is not default/supported in java1.3 try installing latest version say 1.4 that might work.
Updated Java program for linux/unix folks.

The one I uploaded last time was coded/updated in a hurry, that one takes lot of cpu time. This new zip file contains the jar file with a fix to reduce the CPU time.
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For king1999

Hi king1999.
Thank you for your great job. The Perl works for the statis changed.

But I have a question about the defination of "status change".
Recently, The I140 status change from "270-300days" to "300 to 400 days". I think the Perl should send me an email to report this.
But it doesn't. Is it correct? If it is right with the current scripts, would you please update the scrits , so it can report any changes about the Online Status.
Thank you again.
Re: For king1999

Originally posted by johnjohn
Hi king1999.
Thank you for your great job. The Perl works for the statis changed.

But I have a question about the defination of "status change".
Recently, The I140 status change from "270-300days" to "300 to 400 days". I think the Perl should send me an email to report this.
But it doesn't. Is it correct? If it is right with the current scripts, would you please update the scrits , so it can report any changes about the Online Status.
Thank you again.

The script should find the change you mentioned since it basically compares the current description and the last description. You may want to take to look at the log file to see if a change has been detected but email somehow failed to reach you. Good luck.
Talk about Sentiments

I just installed the VB module to track the status and this morning the application ran at 7.00 am and my case was approved.

It was not approved yesterday evening 5.00 pm.

there is sentiment attached to the tracker I guess :D
Congratulations Ravi and Vidya

I am very glad that you got approved Ravi and Vidya.

I could see/imagine your happy face in your posting.

You should have gotten it long back.

Well ....... bad time has ended Ravi.

We are really happy. This is another Edmond friend.

Guess who this is.
I installed the perl version and curl (non-ssl).

It seems this line return nothing when I print $raw_status after this line:
my $raw_status = `$curl -s -b cookies.txt -c cookies.txt -A "Mozilla/4.05 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.0.32 i586)" -d "appReceiptNum=$src_num&Submit=Search" ""`;

What's wrong? thanks for any clue.


I got the following exception on line: int m = cookie.indexOf("=");
cookie is null, hence the exception. Any idea??


at CaseStat.<init>(

at CaseStat.main(

Exception in thread "main"

I've followed everything but it doesn't seem to be working. I click on INS.jar to launch the program and my broadband connectrions just quit and firewall was disabled.

Do you have to creat this file or is it automatically created? C:\\ins\\case.txt

How do I exactly configure exproler to associate .jar files with javaw.exe ?

I'm using windows xp, thanks.
Re: Help!

Originally posted by ned
I've followed everything but it doesn't seem to be working. I click on INS.jar to launch the program and my broadband connectrions just quit and firewall was disabled.

Do you have to creat this file or is it automatically created? C:\\ins\\case.txt

How do I exactly configure exproler to associate .jar files with javaw.exe ?

I'm using windows xp, thanks.

You have to create the case.txt file with your casenumber in it, one case number per line.

To configure Explorer, go to folder options from tools menu, and go to file types, ther u can add new types or edit and exisiting one.
Thanks TM1965.....

I got it working. It is OK to use this program, right? The program is not violating anything, is it?
I don't think it is a problem to use script to check status, as long as you keep the frequency low such as every one hour and the numbers you check to be limited such as below 10. That way you don't give much load to the web server and it is not much difference than a humun being would do it (may be less frequent :D ).

Just my opinion.
URLs changed. Scripts don't work anymore

I'm using king1999's perl script, and was surprised that people are talking about a change in the status page, but I didn't get an email...

Turns out the URLs are changed, so the script doesn't get the right pages. The end result is that is thinks nothing has changed while in fact it didn't check the right pages.

This is important for everybody who has started to trust the script and stopped checking manually, because the script log happily says that there are no chances, with no hint to the fact that it's looking at the wrong pages...

These are the changes needed to the script:

Must become

Must become

Must become

Then it appears to work again, for me.

I should have made the script more robust. Thanks for making the corrections. However, since the CIS website now provides email notification, this script has become obsolete.

- king
king1999 said:

I should have made the script more robust. Thanks for making the corrections. However, since the CIS website now provides email notification, this script has become obsolete.

- king

I was using your java program and it was great. Since INS changed their web structure your java stopped working. I still believe your code is very important since src numbers are the only drive for the process and the recently enforced 250 inquires from the same IP. I like you to give me the modified version so that I can setup exactly 249 inquires in same day.
Hi xjb:

I didn't write the Java code, only the Perl code. I hope the Java person will give you some updates. If not, you can always spend sometime updating it by yourself. I believe the changes should be mininum.

Best wish,
