
Hey guys,

Thanks for the kind words and support, and more importantly,
I don't know about 70+ virgins. Knowing my luck, I'd
get 70 mothers-in-law.

Cutting long story short, been suffering from anxiety
attacks/depression for two years. Caused high blood
pressure. To compensate, heart walls are a bit thicker
than they should be. Have to go back for a stress test.
Doc Khan (Pakistan) says she will put me on beta-blockers
to stop my BP going up when I get stressed (every ten minutes).

I'm a complete coward/wuss I know, but I'm really
getting sick of a) work b) INS c) me for not doing
cardio exercise, but it's hard to get motivated
when you get home from work at 9pm every night,
six days a week.

When I came to US, never had a medical problem in
my life. Man, last night I didn't sleep a wink. I'm
starting to question if this is all worth it.

Lamborghini, sorry for starting silly threads, but you
guys are the only vents I have.

Doctor: Well, Mr Pamecha, I have some good news and some bad news.
Which do you want first?
Patient: Er..., the bad news first, doc.
Doctor: Well, I'm sorry to have to tell you that we have to amputate both your legs.
Patient: Geez, that's terrible. What's the good news?
Doctor: The guy in the next bed wants to buy your slippers.

Sorry to hear that buddy,

Wish you a very healthy and safe life, and dont forget those exercises you mentioned, they are Important.

going over your posting I see you havent lost your sense of humor

--I don't know about 70+ virgins. Knowing my luck, I'd
get 70 mothers-in-law.--

C65 to get 70 mothers in laws (Ipresume you would need 70 wives) not a bad deal I would say.

Doctor: Well, Mr Pamecha, I have some good news and some bad news.
Which do you want first?
Patient: Er..., the bad news first, doc.
Doctor: Well, I'm sorry to have to tell you that we have to amputate both your legs.
Patient: Geez, that's terrible. What's the good news?
Doctor: The guy in the next bed wants to buy your slippers.--

C65 I may NOT YET be in the bed next to you, But I still want the Rolex :D :D :D

Wish you all the best sport
You'll be fine.GCc wait as if wasn't enough. God wanted us to stress out on something a little more.
Don't worry use this as an excuse to take a break and go to the bahamas!!

Chicken65: this is my first ever reply to you. Very very sorry to hear about your health dude. As you get older you realize that of all things in life, three things matter most - health, family and friends.
And I think all netzines here feel pretty honored (well I do) that we have become your friend with whom you can share life problems (along wih venting your frustrations on I-485). Some of us will make bonds here that will go beyond the damn I-485 (they get approved eventually).

You are so much stronger that you think you are - keeping your sense of humor and at a time like this. kudos! My prayers are with you.

Please do find some time, any time to do cardio - even if it is a 1/2 hour walk at night - lamborghini's orders! Texas doesn't get as cold as Boston in the winter so no excuses.

If we don't meet after GC, we will meet at the pearly gates in about 50+ years

Originally posted by Chicken65

Lamborghini, sorry for starting silly threads, but you
guys are the only vents I have.

Sorry to hear this.

Chicken65, sorry to hear your story. Wish you get your GC soon and find a job that won't stress you out. Don't forget exercising as it is important to you.
Chicken65: I suffered from depression for a while too. My way out of it was to adopt two kittens. Its a mini-vacation each time I look at them. While cats may or may not work for you, you need a distraction from work - playing team sports is a great way to vent. Learn a new language, mentor a kid, or do something else that releases stress but don't self-destruct.
Not so easy in US

If you have insurance,

Take it as granted, these doctors here will not allow you die until all your insurance drain. so, don't worry.:D :D :D
Chicken65, I wish you all the luck!

I gained 15 pounds when I visited US for 2.5 months in 1996.

Gained another 10 pounds within 3 months when arrived in 1998. Since then, I have been trying hard to keep my weight constant. Have given up all my hopes of reducing it.

I took a membership at Bally's, bought a tread mill - nothing seems to be working. Don't know what's wrong with this country.

I hope you feel better and recover soon from anxiety/depression.

I have a similar story like you, recently I was diagonised with hypertension (high BP) and Diabetes and as per the doctor this diseases will stay for my whole life and what sucks the most is to test blood glucose every morning with high doses of pills with restrictive diet. BTW I weigh only 175 lbs and height is 5.8" but i do exercise every morning to bring my weight further down, I hv no other choice but to do these activities. I never imagine in my life abt these diseases at such early age.

I should feel lucky that I got a good spouse who takes care of me inspite of all my health problems.

But I am going to get drunk after my approval with bash party with all my friends. Life is short so lets enjoy each and every moment of it.... Cheers.....


RD 11/3/01
ND 12/6/01