Scared estimate for processing time


Registered Users (C)
On the basis of the tracking for 02-33 and 02-041 series, it
is found that only about 10-15 cases were processed
(issue RFEs and approval) in whole week. For 02-033,
there are about 190 cases need to be processed.
If they work at this rate, it will take another 15-20 weeks
to finish touching all Nov cases. There are a coming
holiday season therefore, it will take four approximately months to clean Nov. cases. This is scared, hope I am wrong
at this point.
:confused: :mad: :eek:
I think you are much to optimistic about the speed at which CSC will approve cases.

This could take them 2-3 times longer. In a woeful labour market, this is their best form of job preservation.....slowing the process down.
naah, I would go that far. Sure INS is in general slow, but it has to do with not setting goals and general bureaucratic issues. Our experience has taught us that INS approves in bursts. What we want to hope is that this is a lean time and good times will be ahead (soon).

good luck...
CSC used to be the fastest. I am really hoping and sort of expecting also that the speed will pickup in November mid or so.