Saving INDIAN People from RapidIGM Marketing people


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All RapidIGM consultants should open thier eyes from Desi Recuiters and Studpid Marketing people.
I got big ditch From RapidIGM. I worked for RapidIGM for 2.5 years at only one client(With out changing client,without visiting india).They(stupid recruiter and marketing person) promised me, lot of times abt my bentch (Atleast 4+2 weeks). Once I came to bentch ,they fired me next day. They did not give me one day bentch also.please make sure with all recuiters,get paper work whatever they promise.
if u are an Indian, u shouldn't be surprised

we are good at it, giving a rough look, stepping on each other.. discriminating between a south/north/east/west indian :D so an indian recruiter, company ditching .. backstabbing.. .. its old story.

Have you ever seen a polite indiscriminate desi interviewer /decision maker ? Its rare because they like helping their friends or humiliating the interviewee with thier skills!

So look for good people be it desi's or anybody else, and just ignore these elements. They are in all colors and races. Like it or hate it they will be a part of this society, occupying decision making position, years from now, they will be a good number of EEO law suits !!
Recruiters are not the decision makes; nothing is there in there hands (like IIOs). If the company decides to get rid of you then it will.
well..thats not really true ..the recruiter is the guy who decides your fate...

The facts are :

1. basically he sees the potential of placing you. if thats not bright then he will get rid of you immediately.
2. if he is not capable of placing you.
3 if he is lazy to find a job for you

Ultimately, not placing the guy affects the recruiter later on his performance.
Who was your Recruiter in Rapidigm ? Was it that bastard Rahul or that useless Raghu

Who was your Recruiter in Rapidigm ? Was it that bastard Rahul or that useless Raghu
I have interview on 7th of Jan,2003 for GC

I am the primary, I got GC on july 29,2002. But my wife got interview letter from Local INS office on Jan,&th of 2003..Still with RapidIGM based on thier promises. I got perm offer from client 3 times. If they did not promise me 4+2 Weeks bentch,I would have joined in Client Company. I did mistake to not join at client company.

Any How , I decided to report to INS and Labor Dept abt RapidIGM company polacies with valid docs(RapidIGM did lies to INS and Labor dept). I will prove it.
In RapidIGM, all Marketing guys are Raghu and rahual?

In RapidIGM, All Marking guys are Rahuals and Raghus. These two guys came out into Message Board openly. Rest people are requesting/begging employees not to publish thier name on message board. My Recruiter also did that. I could not control my self if I remenber his words.
Me too from Rapidigm

I have been working for Rapidigm for the last 2.5 years and I came to bench last week. Please suggest me what can I do with your experiences.
I have no idea howlong they pay me on bench.

PS: Raghu means Raghu Sankaran in Seatle office??
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Rapidigm....looks like a horrible company. Even I had an offer couple of months back from Rapidigm. I am glad that I didnt take it.
I saw a lot of threads abt this company. I have heard only a few good responses. But most of the people say only bad things abt this company.

God help my fellow immigrants from this company :(

Good luck friends (and wantedhelp)
dont inform INS

Hey if you inform INS then many other people who have applied through Rapidigm will start getting interwiew and RFE. You are angry with Rapidigm but your informing the INS will more effect your colleages who are waiting to get approval.

Please do consider that before taking any steps
Do Something to Rapidigm, not your colleges

Hi Wanted_help,
Take revenge on Rapidigm, not your poor colleges.

Just curious to know which platform are u from. I have seen some cases where Rapidigm keeps some consultant for couple of weeks. if there bentch strength is more than 4 in a bracnh then they layoff imm.

what to do...huh......... nothing is in our hands....

ranman & Elias

Do have very valid points, please do re consider, before taking any harsh descision, as it will surely affect your fellow Immigrants.

I know you are Frustrated, but even then I Hope Better Sense Prevails.
It will Effect all other rapidigm emp's please think about it

I can understand your problem but try to understand about all other people who are waiting for there approval .As this will effect every on in the company who filed there don't take any Hasty steps think about other rapidigm Employee's Please.

On behalf of all rapidigm friends