sankrit.., pork.., ghee .....


Registered Users (C)
what's happening to the triumvirate ?? Haven't heard anything from you three guys for the last 1 week ?

An interesting mail has been posted by perterwang in the 'old timers please respond' thread. His lawyer has argued the only way to get action from the INS is to sue them and is about to take steps to this effect. Any comment from you guys ?

My lawyer is so lame in this matter.

RD 12/14/01
keeping this thread alive ...

a big surprise !!! Have you guys got your approvals already ?

RD 12/14/01

Before I joined Rajiv's lawsuit as a plaintiff, I consulted my attorney. He basically discouraged me from taking such "desperate measures", but adding that he cannot stop me from doing so. His argument was despite the fact that USCIS canot legally do hurt me blatantly, like by rejecting it for no reason, a lawsuit might piss them off. And the last thing I want to do after going this far is to jeopardize my case.

Well, you know I still volunteered to become a plaintiff, since I don't think I have anything to lose (or gain either) at this point. Well, my case got approved today, I don't know if it has anythig to do with the lawsuit. However, I am proud that I felt that I did something to stand up for myself and the community. Byt he way, this is America, the land of free speech, right?

I heard some stories around that some people in this forum and elsewhere managed to get their voice heard by the INS/BCIS via lawsuit. You might recall that asylees managed to get the BCIS to pay more attention to their cases after suing. HOwever, I don't know the effectiveness of suing the USCIS as an individual, unless you have a really compelling reason to do so.
Congrats DaoMingTze2

Congratulation for your approval.
By the way, what is your RD/ND?
Could you please share your info.

cool down starbucks

I believe they (BCIS) are back to cases from Aug 2001 now. So you need to cool down and don't try to take any extreme measues against them. It won't be of any help. Just be patient and wait for your freedom. Have faith in God and yourself too.

And I think some of them got approved RD Oct to Dec 01. That is why the forum is so silent.

Yes gc-lover,
Thanks - I have been pretty cool and continue to remain so.
Not considering any sue suit or anything.

RD 12/14/01
I have been away for a couple of weeks but

I have been checking back every few days. When I was gone I received an rfe for emp. verification for self.
Re: I have been away for a couple of weeks but

Originally posted by gheewalabhai888
I have been checking back every few days. When I was gone I received an rfe for emp. verification for self.

Hey Ghee - that's good news!

Wonder what happened to Porks though.....
still around, as it were...

like the field of some evil, meandering current that devitalizes, this moribund avocation of "adjustment of status" induced an ennui in me to which i succumbed. at times, i languidly wondered what, if anything, might be going on on that front. i idly perceived little snippets of news here and there, like the haze forming itself into fleeting phantasms and then dissipating again before my brow had a chance to furrow, much less muster up the resolve to click a mouse. in the end, i reckoned it will happen when it will happen; in the meanwhile, f**k it.
Pork Chop -

Hang in there, buddy...I can only imagine what you are going through but we need to keep on reminding ourselves that there are more important things in life than obtaining in GC, as wandergirlus has so eloquently put it.

Don't give up for we will all reach the end of this dark tunnel someday. In the meantime, we will comfort each other to get through this difficult time in our life.

I will be thinking of you and all my immigrant friends here. It doesn't matter who we are, where we come from, or what we believe in - we are all in this together and we are right behind you 100%.

Cheer up, buddy, k?

Sent reply to emp letter yesterday. Had to add paystubs

because it was under AC-21. I will update if I see any change on online status.
RD and ND Feb 8, 02

Seems like some dusting off going on for Feb cases. Hope they continue this for a while, and not restock files on a different corner of the room.

simple question for you: does your employment letter for AC21 mention the term "permanent"? if not, what's the word that you include in its place? just curious, since i don't think i'll be getting that word from my employer.
.., pork , ghee

Good to hear from you guys. Pork - good to see that you are keeping your chin up ! Ghee, good luck on your RFE response.

Still no news about sankrit, the guy seems to have vamoozed from sight !

cmr - hang in there old man. After the brush off from senator # 1's
(they cannot do anything unless the reasons are medical), I will
now contact senator # 2.

take care everybody.

RD 12/14/01

my lawyer didn't add the word 'permanent'. but they wrote 'every intention of continuing his emp.' so, I guess that
translates permanent.... I am not sure how he has written the cover letter.