Sanjose Timelines

Re: Got an interview letter!

Originally posted by GeorgeF
Thanks xyzUser for posting your timelines and experiences.

On Dec, 30 a notice to appear for an interview was sent to me.

Here is my timeline for other waiting in SJ:

PD: 5/6/2003
FP: 6/11/2003
(Interview notice date 12/30/2003)
Interview date: 3/3/2004

The wheels are turning! Woooo-hooooo!:)

San Jose and Philly are processing approximately the same dates currently (Oct 2002). Assuming they are still working with the same (in)efficiency, I am 2 months away from receiving the letter?

My PD is July 31st 03.
I have a personal theory (as always :) ) that what CIS lists on their web-site is the oldest date of the oldest application they know of in their district office. There are some applications that fall through cracks some need to be re-scheduled. It they post the usual date, they would get flooded with phone calls from those applicants mentioned earlier.

Here in San Jose they have quarterly meetings between CIS and local AILA members. On that meeting the CIS rep informaed my lawyer it takes about 10 months from application to interview, which has proven to be very accurate.
After 16 months, (end Sept 2002 to Jan 23, 2004), we are U.S. Citizens!

We had a large number of fellow citizens-to-be queuing up outside San Jose Civic Auditorium since 7 AM. The queue circled almost an entire block. The immigration officials looked at every one's invitation letter and assigned a section in the auditorium, when we were stil in the queue. We were all in by 8:30 AM. The officials collected our green cards (didn't want old re-entry permits, even though the invitation letter specifically asks you to bring all immigration documents and re-entry permits).

After a short video, an excellent rendition of the National Anthem, talks from various people, the Federal Judge showed up, gave a speech, explained the 14th Amendment, swore us in, emphasized the importance of registering to vote and attending jury duty.

We had some more speeches, then had our naturalization certificates distributed. We turned in our voter registeration and left with a very good feeling.

Best of luck to those waiting for their turn. It seems long but then the wait won't feel so long after all. Time really flies.

Thanks to all those who post here and keep each other virtual company. I'll drop in some times and see if I can be of help (however our cases were normal and we didn't have any thing out of the ordinary).

Congratulations xyzUser!

After all those scheduling, descheduling, attending and waiting you are finally done with INS once and for all.

Thank you for your input on this board.